1999 Ford Explorer Sport, No Reverse. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1999 Ford Explorer Sport, No Reverse.


January 9, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Long Island
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Explorer Sport
I noticed a quater size oil spot in my driveway, a few days ago didnt think much of it. Then I used the car yesterday in the day no problems. I went out to move it further back in the driveway, put it in reverse moved about a foot when Bam! sounded like i hit something and the car jerked. Put it in park went and looked and obviously there was nothing it. Put the car back in reverse and nothing. Engine just revs. Drive works just fine. Took it to a transmission place, they are charging me labor $425 to find out problem. Wil call me tommorow after finding out problem. Then if i get it fixed will credit that labor charge.

Any ideas on the problem?
Cost it may run?

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I'm having the same prob. with my 99 limited. No grinding noise. no oily spots. Car works fine in drive but nothing happens when i put it in reverse. please keep me posted on what the mechanics turn up.

Well, unfortunetally I have bad news for you. According to the Transmission place I went to, the Ford Explorer is reffered to as Exploders in that industry. Apparently this is a common problem around 60,000 to 80,000 miles on them. I was lucky as to having a problem at 128,000.
I had to have the transmission rebuilt because it did pretty much "explode" the rear planetary. There were fine metal shavings in the liquid. They rebuilt the tranny, did a full flush of the systems liquid, brought it up to 2009 standards, ugraded my torque convertor. Also they kindly checked out the 4x4 and replaced all fluids for that, and an oil change. 24 month or 24,000 mile full warrenty. total was a little over $2,000.

Good luck to you.

Cobra...2 grand is pretty average...24,000miles/2 years is a good warranty. In NY state here the only warranty you'll find is a 12 month/12,000 mile warranty which stinks in my opinion. In NJ everyone gives the 2 year/24,000 mile warranty, too. I don't understand the discrepancy from area to area.

Also, our 2000 Explorer is well over 200,000 miles with the original transmission. It has overwhelmingly been the best vehicle we've owned to date. My mother-in-law is on her 2nd Explorer and it's the only vehicle she'll drive. We've had nothing but luck with them!!!

Work in the parts business and the Chevy Blazer is THE vehicle that makes everyone's life miserable. Want to talk about JUNK?

Yeah, Im happy with the service i had. They were a good company. They are Habby's in Hicksville, NY. Family owned place for many years.
Over all I like the truck. Only a few problems here and there. Had most of the right side redone after an accident.
One nagging problem is a rattle in back liftgate and the rear wiper never touches the glass on window.
