2-3"? TT/Shackles? Spacers? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2-3"? TT/Shackles? Spacers?


Well-Known Member
November 22, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
San Diego, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
hey guys

im looking to achieve around 2-3" of lift for as little $ as possible. Im not super knowledgeble about suspension and such...so i was hoping u guys could throw me a bone here.
It seems that most everyone here goes with the TT/Shackle lift for 2". Why does everyone use Warrior shackles?
Also, what would be the difference between the torsion twist and coil spacers? Which one is superior and why?

Eventually BFG 31x10.5's are goin on....just for everyones info.

Sorry for the long post. Any help is appreciated!

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Here's a few answers. Everyone uses Warrior shackles because they are the only extended lift shackles made for the Explorer and they are MUCH easier to install than an add-a-leaf and they don't stiffen the ride.

You have a 97, so coil spacers are out for you. The TT and the coil spacers are not comaparble for pros and cons--they're apples and oranges. You can to the torsion twist, which is easier anyway.

Lastly, you can put 31" BFG's on your truck without doing anything to it. I just put them on mine earlier this week, and I have not lifted it (yet).

Also, don't forget the body lift. It's a little more tedious and time consuming but if you do the work yourself, you can get 2 or 3 inches for less than $150. Plenty of threads on that around here.

I dont know much about lifts at all. I want to be able to put on 32's. I was thinking bout the TT?Shackles but I have seen somewhere there is a spindles for the front to bring it up like 3 inches and a SOA in the rear. Would this give me the clearance needed for the 32's. I do not want to do a body lift if I can get away without it. Also is the spindles only for 2 wheel drive? I also have the 16 in rims on my truck. SO I really need help. Ive been looking thru the post and trying to do some research but when you dont know much bout nuttin its hard to figure out. Oh and I want it to be a daily driver also. Sorry for so many questions and so long of a post. Any help here is greatly appreciated.

Yes, the lift spindles are only for 2wd. If you have 4x4, you'll need to either do a body lift, or a pricey suspension lift to get more than 2". However, I'm gonna try to fit 32's on mine with just a TT and shackles/addaleaf in the rear. I'll need to trim a bit in front, but no biggie.

And for the metric tire size you'll need, go to www.4lo.com . They have a metric measurement conversion calculator.

San Diego Explorer: whatever you decide, let me know. I'll be in town until mid July and I'd be happy to help. I'm probably lifting Splat a bit more next weekend.
