2002 XLT 4.0L W/ 210K Tuneup Questions | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2002 XLT 4.0L W/ 210K Tuneup Questions


New Member
April 12, 2010
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Philly, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT
Hello fellow explorer owners, I have a 2002 4.0L Explorer with +210k miles that I'm looking to do a tune up on. Enjoy the pics first:

Right after wash, wax, oil change

Notorious Explorer butt-crack

So I was wondering, what should I replace, clean during the tuneup? It has never went through a tuneup after 60k. Just regular oil changes.

I was thinking replace the:
  • Spark plugs
  • distributer cap
  • distributor wires
  • And maybe Seafoam treatment?

What additional stuff should I do?

Thanks again for all your future help.

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So I was wondering, what should I replace, clean during the tuneup? It has never went through a tuneup after 60k. Just regular oil changes.

I was thinking replace the:
  • Spark plugs
  • distributer cap
  • distributor wires
  • And maybe Seafoam treatment?

What additional stuff should I do?


Unless I'm mistaken, there shouldn't be a distributor cap on a 2002 4.0L Explorer. You should have an "Ignition Coil" set up. If I were you and not having done any kind of tune up since the 60,000 mile mark, I would replace the following items:

Spark Plugs and spark plug wires
Air and Fuel Filters
Cooling system flush and check all hoses and clamps
Mass Air Flow sensor cleaning
Gear/Diff oils changed, check transfer case fluid
Professional Fuel injector cleaning wouldn't hurt with 200K on it

I would start here but I would not use an engine flush (Seafoam) on your engine if you have changed your oil and filter at regular intervals and are not experiencing any internal engine problems. With the engine having over 200,000 miles on it, I wouldn't mess with it internally.

I wouldn't seafoam. If your engine happens to have built up sludge for 200K, you don't want all that coming loose and clogging the pickup.

Thank you for the reply :)

So I shouldn't even put a little bit of seafoam with the fuel?

Should I also replace my transmission and transfer case fluid?
How about the belt?

She currently starts up right away and idles fine. Never let me down except in the MPG category :p:
Also forgot to mention that she had her O2 sensors replaced not too long ago.


Thank you for the reply :)

So I shouldn't even put a little bit of seafoam with the fuel?

Should I also replace my transmission and transfer case fluid?
How about the belt?

She currently starts up right away and idles fine. Never let me down except in the MPG category :p:

Using Seafoam in the fuel system shouldn't hurt as far as I know. I sometimes wonder how good those over the counter fuel system cleaners actually work. Could a $9 can of Seafoam be a miracle in a can, I don't know, haven't used it myself, just read about people using it here in this forum. Most people that use it in here like the product. I had my fuel system cleaned at a Ford Dealership Quick Lane Service, cost me $89 + tax. They hook up a can of cleaner into your fuel rail and the engine runs off of it till it's gone, and then they dump a can of cleaner into your gas tank as well.
On your tranny fluids, I would change them with 210,000 miles on that vehicle. Tranny fluid breaks down over time. Have the tranny filter changed as well. You might want to research which kind of new tranny fluid to use, like a synthetic or specific type. Maybe ask Moderator "BrooklynBay", he is a Transmission guy from what I know. Join the club on bad MPG, I've changed or cleaned up just about everything I can and I cannot get better than 12 MPG in the city. Near 16 MPG on Thruway. You may see a MPG difference once you've tuned up some of those things I mentioned to you previously. Buy quality OE Spark Plugs and Wires and yes, a new Serpentine belt would be a good idea too. Make sure you don't over tighten the new spark plugs. Tighten them to correct Torque setting.

Thank you very much :thumbsup:

I have some searching to do around for some how-to.
