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2003 explorer advice


February 5, 2010
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Hey guys,

I have a 2003 explorer xlt v8. This is probably a simple question so...

Every 2 days I have to put 20 bucks in the tank! EVERY TWO DAYS! I am thinking I just need a tune up (haven't gotten one in probably over 1 year) and had the fuel and air filter changed. And oil changed.

Do you thin I just need a tune up? what else could be the issue? The reason I asked is because the tech is urging I sip the tune up and get a diagnostic check for an outrageous price and I thinks he's just out for the money seeing as that is what the reviews say about the dealership.

Thank You!

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what does that work out in mpg,????
at $20 and $2.5/gal = 8gals
how many miles is that in two days?
i'm avg about 13-15mpg . . .with a V8/AWD.

Ya, if you're driving 350-400 miles in 2 days I don't see there being a problem. But, if you're driving 100-150 miles a day there might be something wrong. Need your mileage.

I drive a 2004 LTD V-8 AWD and average 17MPG when I haven't been doing mostly highway driving. All city driving is more like 14 or 15MPG.

I'd get the diagnostic first. How much are they wanting to charge you to do it?

How much is gas per gallon in your area. Gas varies over a dollar a gallon throughout the U.S. It sounds like either way, you're getting about 10 miles per gallon...on a V8 SUV, and depending on how you drive, average speed, city or highway, if you run the A/C or not, and how much weight you're carrying around....10 miles a gallon on a high mileage V8 SUV is not uncommon.

2.55/1 gal.
Truck has normally nothing in it.
Says it's supposed to have 13-15 city and 19-21 hi. I always take highway

2.55/1 gal.
Truck has normally nothing in it.
Says it's supposed to have 13-15 city and 19-21 hi. I always take highway

It's actually 13 city / 18 highway for a 2wd V8:


Does your truck need a tune up, yes. It has very high miles, if it hasn't had a full tune up in a long time (or ever), then to answer your question, yes a tune up would be good.

If you're concerned about a diagnostic, get a free OBD scan done first, head to AutoZone or Advance Auto and have them do one for you. You may not be throwing any codes.
