2003 Ford Explorer Back hatch does not close. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2003 Ford Explorer Back hatch does not close.


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October 25, 2017
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2003 Explorer
The back hatch can't be closed. It's as if the door is already locked. I attempt to close the hatch and something is obstructing the door from latching onto the metal doo-hickey on the back floor of the car. Any and all guidance will be alleviated.

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Check the latch to see if it is dirty, if so clean it with WD40 and then lube it with some white lithium grease ( you can get it in a spay can ) Check to see that the latch is open, if it is in the closed position it will not latch on the bar. If it still will not latch, then you will have to remove the trim from the inside of the door to get to the mechanism and inspect it for problems.

Check the latch to see if it is dirty, if so clean it with WD40 and then lube it with some white lithium grease ( you can get it in a spay can ) Check to see that the latch is open, if it is in the closed position it will not latch on the bar. If it still will not latch, then you will have to remove the trim from the inside of the door to get to the mechanism and inspect it for problems.
Thank you for replying. The latch seems to be in the closed position because it will not latch onto the bar. It can actually hear it hitting. Now how does one go about inspecting for problems once the trim is removed.? What am I looking for?

Your hinges may be failing. My 2004 did this; the hatch was sitting low on the hinges and I couldn't get them tight enough. Eventually the threads on the fasteners failed and the hatch dropped completely out of place. My 2003 is starting to do the same exact thing.

I have had issues with other door latches flipping into the close positions before. You should be able to take a screw driver, hold the open lever, and manually flip the latch into the open position.
