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2004 4.0L swap with a 2007-2011 4.0L


New Member
July 8, 2012
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City, State
Greenville MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Ford Ranger Edge 4L
New member here. I tried doing a search on my phone but it does'nt work. I have a 2004 ranger 4x4 w/4.0L that has rear timing chain rattle. It has 160000 miles. I can find quite a few low mileage 07-11 4.0L's, but the scrap yard I contacted said they do not interchange
What is the diff between 04's and 07-11's. Mechanically I think they are the same, is it just how the sensors and harness hook up. If so can't I just swap old sensor on 04 to the newer engine. Thanks for any info.

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The main difference is the wiring. Slightly different cam profile (going by numbers on cam) is the only actual engine difference. Now if you get one out of a 07+ ranger everything but the upper intake will work like water pump, timing cover, exhaust manifolds, flexplate, oil pan, motor mounts (04 ones are solid steel instead of cast but same bolt pattern) and so on.

05+ Mustangs all you can use is the long block and timing cover, water pump and oil pan.

So I would have to swap the upper intake, what is different in the wiring?

Every plug to the vehicle is by far different. Just strip down the motor, put your harness and intake on it and go. I did the same swap in a 04 explorer with a 07 ranger engine. I have also used a 06 stang engine in a 03 explorer and a 07 ranger in a 99 explorer.

Thanks for the info! I thought it might work with just some modifications. Appreciate the quick answers.

Every plug to the vehicle is by far different. Just strip down the motor, put your harness and intake on it and go. I did the same swap in a 04 explorer with a 07 ranger engine. I have also used a 06 stang engine in a 03 explorer and a 07 ranger in a 99 explorer.

This thread is exact and to the point on what I was looking for. I need to pull the engine out of my 03 4.0l explorer and was planning on dropping in a low low mileage 07 4.0l. I figured on the intake already and taking off the flex fuel parts on my 03 and putting them on the 07. No wiring issues if its done that way.

I did a mustang gt to cobra conversion 2 yrs ago and that was swapping out a 2v for a 4v. Finally decided to just use what I had and extended the wires from my GT harness to reach the Cobra COP and injectors. Works like a beast and people get suckered in all the time thinking its just a run of the mill GT:thumbsup:


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