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2007 needs lift kit


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April 23, 2009
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central coast cali.
Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 expl. sport trac
i've had my sport trac since 06 brand new, haven't found any lift kits yet, made leveling kit inch and 3/8 up front but want at least 3 inchs all aroun. does any one know were to get lift kit for 2007 sport trac 2wd

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These trucks have independent suspensions front and rear... It's not like a "normal" pickup that you can just go lift 5" for $600... As such, there are no kits available (that I'm aware of) that lift it more than 3" without going some absurdly expensive custom route. That being said, Ben from RoadBully makes a 3" lift kit that will fit these trucks, but he strongly warns against putting it on Sport Tracs. Anything higher than 2 or 2.5" is hard on some suspension components and thus can cause premature wear and failure of certain parts like the ball joints.

I bought Ben's 2.5" front and 2" rear spacers, for what it's worth. He says he's experienced no problems with this combination, but any higher and it may cause problems. It all makes sense when you think about it, you can only go so far before you tweak the truck's suspension geometry too much.

These trucks have independent suspensions front and rear... It's not like a "normal" pickup that you can just go lift 5" for $600... As such, there are no kits available (that I'm aware of) that lift it more than 3" without going some absurdly expensive custom route. That being said, Ben from RoadBully makes a 3" lift kit that will fit these trucks, but he strongly warns against putting it on Sport Tracs. Anything higher than 2 or 2.5" is hard on some suspension components and thus can cause premature wear and failure of certain parts like the ball joints.

I bought Ben's 2.5" front and 2" rear spacers, for what it's worth. He says he's experienced no problems with this combination, but any higher and it may cause problems. It all makes sense when you think about it, you can only go so far before you tweak the truck's suspension geometry too much.

When did Ben (roadbullyoffroad.com) warn against putting it on Sport Tracs? I never heard that. Maybe you meant he does not recommend more than 2.5" on all models due to the balljoint failures and spindles rubbing the springs? 2007-up Sport Tracs have the exact same suspension as the 06-up Explorer.

I ordered the 2.5" spacers front and rear from him last month. I want a slight rake.

When did Ben (roadbullyoffroad.com) warn against putting it on Sport Tracs? I never heard that. Maybe you meant he does not recommend more than 2.5" on all models due to the balljoint failures and spindles rubbing the springs? 2007-up Sport Tracs have the exact same suspension as the 06-up Explorer.

I ordered the 2.5" spacers front and rear from him last month. I want a slight rake.
If you would've read my statement better, that's exactly what I said...
... Ben... makes a 3" lift kit that will fit these trucks, but he strongly warns against putting it on Sport Tracs. Anything higher than 2 or 2.5" is hard on some suspension components...

These trucks have independent suspensions front and rear... It's not like a "normal" pickup that you can just go lift 5" for $600... As such, there are no kits available (that I'm aware of) that lift it more than 3" without going some absurdly expensive custom route. That being said, Ben from RoadBully makes a 3" lift kit that will fit these trucks, but he strongly warns against putting it on Sport Tracs. Anything higher than 2 or 2.5" is hard on some suspension components and thus can cause premature wear and failure of certain parts like the ball joints.

So why did you make that statement then? (in bold)

Because I was talking about the 3" kit, WHICH BEN STRONGLY ADVISES AGAINST PUTTING ON A SPORT TRAC. How many ways can I say it? It's not a difficult concept.

2.5" = Good
3" = Bad

Because I was talking about the 3" kit, WHICH BEN STRONGLY ADVISES AGAINST PUTTING ON A SPORT TRAC. How many ways can I say it? It's not a difficult concept.

2.5" = Good
3" = Bad

LOL, miscommunication.

He is asking why you are saying the 3" kit should not be specifically used on the Sport Trac, vs the Explorer. Since both share the same suspension components.

yeah, some people on here don't know how to talk, then want to argue when someone misunderstands.

thanks for the info

I understand perfectly well what you meant, and I "talk" just fine, thanks. I don't know why he specifically stated that about Sport Tracs... I was simply conveying the information I was given for the sake of answering the original poster's question, not to start some pointless argument. JoeCool, if you want more technical specifics, you should ask Ben. He's a good guy, I'm sure he won't mind.
