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31" tires with the stock spare..


Well-Known Member
February 28, 2008
City, State
Shawano WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 XLT
Just got 31s on the x and was wondering... I know it would be bad to run the stock spare tire for a long time but can i use it to go like max of 5 miles but go realy slow...

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can i use it to go like max of 5 miles but go realy slow...
Yes, just take it easy. Keep in mind that the diff. will be working overtime with 2 different sizes wheels on the axle.

Put the stock size one in front, and keep it in 2wd. Don't put it in back. If it's a back tire that goes through, rotate the tires.

second question is will a 31 fit in the stock spare tire location?
