4.0L K&N FIPK(cold air intake)..NOISE? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4.0L K&N FIPK(cold air intake)..NOISE?


New Member
July 2, 2003
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City, State
Allentown, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Explorer XLT

I put on a K&N air intake kit on my 98 Explorer XLT 4.0L ohv(flat panel). I put in on last October and it sounded great. But within the last few months it has been making a lot of noise at idle. It is a deep humming from the resonence in the air tube. When I step on the gas it goes away but once i get less than 1500rpms it starts up again. Other than the annoying humming it sounds great.

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check out your vacuum hoses, one may have popped lose.... however in going with an aftermarket pipe setup, some more resonance will always be present... the stock intake was setup to be quiet, not for power or more flow...

That humming noise is without a doubt, 100%, for sure, your IAC. Clean it or get a New One. The latter is your best choice.

Yup, most likely IAC, idle air control valve or air bypass valve (what Autozone calls it).

I'd recommend getting a new one directly from Ford or www.fordpartsnetwork.com

My X was doing the samething humming from the air box but it also made the engine rattle noise at idle for over a year everytime I drove it and I also heard other guys saying that theres made the rattle noise to. I replaced the IAC and for some reason it fixed both problems no more humming noise and no more engine rattle just wondered how that part fixed both problems?
