4.10 or 4.11 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4.10 or 4.11


Elite Snow Shoveler
Elite Explorer
March 23, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Parsippany, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 XLT
Just wanna get as many answers as I can before I regear. I see some D35 that have 4.11's offered, not 4.10's. Then some 8.8 gears that are 4.11, not 4.10. I'm sure there are places that have the opposite. Is there a difference? Can I get one in the front, one in the rear if that's all that is offered? Thanx again,

Splitting hair's I think. The 9" rearend takes 4.11 gears, while the Explorer 8.8" gears are 4.10:1. They probably have the same number of teeth on the ring, and pinion. Just make sure that they are for the right Explorer.

Yes, mixing 4.10s with 4.11s is ok.

