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4WD System


New Member
November 24, 2002
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Schenectady, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Explorer Ediie Bauer
Remember me. Ok Another question is. The 4WD system should be engaged in Neutral in a complete stop. Right? Another question is I have control trac on the vehicle and I noticed as my wife was driving it, that the RR wheel spins an than the LR wheel spins but none of the front ones do. I tought the front ones were supposed to spin also. And another thing when I engaged into 4WD low today the back of the switch made a clicking sound about 4 times but 4wd low did not engage. I had switch back to 2wd and than to 4wd low again so it would engage. And also when i first engaged into 4wd low my light did not come on but i heard the noise in the tcase when it engaged. And than all tires actually spinned. Please get back to me as soon as possible on this thread.

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Originally posted by cpagan
The 4WD system should be engaged in Neutral in a complete stop. Right?
You can go from 2wd to 4wd high/auto while moving (below 15mph unless you want to break something) or in any gear. You only need to be in netural (at a dead stop) to go into 4wd low.

Another question is I have control trac on the vehicle and I noticed as my wife was driving it, that the RR wheel spins an than the LR wheel spins but none of the front ones do. I tought the front ones were supposed to spin also.
If the knob is in 4wd high/auto it should opperate the front as needed. Its possible that the vehicle didn't sense enough rear wheel slip to engage the front.

And another thing when I engaged into 4WD low today the back of the switch made a clicking sound about 4 times but 4wd low did not engage. I had switch back to 2wd and than to 4wd low again so it would engage. And also when i first engaged into 4wd low my light did not come on but i heard the noise in the tcase when it engaged. And than all tires actually spinned.
Its not uncommon to have to attempt to engage the t-case motor more than once before it responds, especially if it hasn't been used in a few months.

Thanks for the info, I think Ford dealers want to take everybodies money because I called them on the issue of the front wheels not spinning and they said there is something wrong with my 4WD. Also the reason for this thread is because I have been having problems with my 4WD at high speeds. 4WD and 4wd Low flash after going at high speeds and I tought it was the GEN as When i tried one time to switch to 4WD low it made clicking noises but it would not engage. Also the only way for me to engage into 4WD Auto is to be completely stopped with car on neautral for light to turn on. Please get back to me on this Thread soon. And yeah! the number of times the lights flash is six times and pause for about a minute and comes back on.:confused: Maybe you may know what it's telling me by the number of times it flashes as I was told is a code.!!

Ive had the two 4wd lights in the display panel flash like youre talking about once after some serious mudding where I bottomed out several times...hard.

Also, when I got stuck, my 4wd was not working at all. Had it in 4low, but the back wheels were spinnin with no signs on the front even trying. Been working since

Dont know what this post accomplishes, I just have some of the same symptoms as you.

If the lights are flashing, you can get the error codes for the 4x4 read. Most common culprits are:
1.GEM needs reprogramming (96-96 models notorious for this)
2.Bad speed sensor(s)
3.Bad 4x4 switch

6 times flashing!

I had this with my 98. In the end it was found to be a bad shift motor. The final problem was that on the way down the road there was a buzzing on the way down the road. Found that the transfer case was hanging on the shift. If I moved it back and forth between the shift points I could get it to work on an occasional basis.
