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4x4 staying on


Well-Known Member
April 15, 2004
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rockville in
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91 xlt
the light on my dash for the buton that selects 4x4 hi or 4x4 low the light buy high is staying on but there is no light on the das saying that the 4x4 is engadged :burnout:

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Question: Is the transfer case in 4WD when the light is stuck on or does the transfer case disengage?

i just noticed it tonight i just started it and before todya my lights never came on so i dont know if it is 4x4 i was looking at old posts and it said sotmhing about the light geting brighter as u push it and i tried that and nothing but the light by your instrument clustrer does not turn on if that means any thing

1st thing I would do is find out whether or not the transfer case is shifting. When it's supposed to be in 2H, get under the truck and make sure the front driveshaft is free to spin. When it's supposed to be in 4H, make sure the driveshaft locks up at the transfer case. That will tell us if the fault is in the transfer case engaging/disengaging or some electrical fault at the switch that causes the light to get stuck on.

i started it up today and the light was not on but wheni pushed the buton i get a cliking noise behing the seco0nd row of seats on the driver side and that is when the car is not on
