68 Cougar, worth it? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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68 Cougar, worth it?


Well-Known Member
August 5, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Edmonton, AB, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer XLT
First off lol, jokes aside I'm talking about a car.
I saw a Cougar for sale. The guy is asking $2,200 I think. Here are some pics. Looks in decent shape to me...aside from the pass. door. Theres one part in the 4th pic that looks like a huge through rust hole, but I'm hoping thats just the passenger door or something. Comes with a 390 auto. Let me know what you think.

forgot to mention, i emailed the guy, theres a trailer with a bunch of extra parts that come with it. heres the quote "There is a trailer included which contains all that goes with the car. There should not be too much missing in terms of parts and some are doubled (ie two trunk lids and two hoods. The engine compartment has been cleaned up and painted black."








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Say, $1800 and it'll disappear!

As long as the wheel houses, and trunk look like the floor, it would make a nice project.

See if the seats and every thing else is in the trailer, glass, front grille, headlamp buckets, you get the idea.

Jeff - :navajo:

yeah im pretty sure theyre all in there. but ill get him to make sure
its 2,200 cdn as well lol
but ill see if i can get it down to 2000 or something. i doubt the guy would go much lower than that. im a little skeptical because of that part in the 3rd picture in the left corner, looks like thats right through before the wheel well.

I'd look around first, there are better deals around these days on classics. This one on autotraderclassics is listed at $3,800 and is pretty much ready to drive.


I wish. That's a nice car. In Canada we have nothing to choose from. People want 10 grand for a rusted out mustang body with no engine..it's horrible here.
