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91 Eddie Bauer overheating


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August 12, 2005
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'91 EB
I have a 91 explorer that looks like its about to overheat. The temp gauge get hot while driving. What would fix the problem? I am planning on replace the coolant, thermostat, and clutch fan. What else would i need to replace..


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Cooling system backflush and then new 50/50 coolant. If your gonna do your own mix make sure you use distilled water. Make sure your thermostat is the right temp rating for your truck.

Good Luck

How do I find out what thermostat temp i need. can i put a cooler thermostat in?

You can put any t-stat that is for your year in it just depends how long you want to wait for your truck to warm up.

The recommended tstat temp for your year is 192-199 degrees F.

Turbowrx said:
How do I find out what thermostat temp i need. can i put a cooler thermostat in?

when you buy them it should have temp range onit. Your truck will perform the best with the right temp range. I would suggest your recommended temp. With your clutch working right and your radiator clean inside you should have no troubles.

Start with the t-stat. Make sure you also get the o-ring gasket. There are (3) 10 mm bolts that hold the housing on. One of them is a pita to get to. It's easiest if you release the tensioner to get it out of the way by pulling the serpetine belt.
