93 Explorer 2 door Sport Rocker Panels | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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93 Explorer 2 door Sport Rocker Panels


Well-Known Member
November 11, 2013
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1993 Explorer Sport-4WD
I need to replace both pass and drivers's side panels. According to a local body shop, I need both inner and outer panels for both sides. He said the inner is rusted as well as the outer on both driver and pass sides Is this a 2 piece setup ? Or are the rocker panels I see online just a single piece. Is there a thread that can help me on this ? I appreciate any help here. Thank you.

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The "outer" rocker panel is what you'll find online and what a body shop will use, though the longer rocker panel for the sport can be harder to find.

The "inner" panel is part of the floor, and isn't really something you can get, unless there is a specialty company making repair panels for this application, which is possible, but someone on here would probably have found out about it by now, rusted rockers have plagued Explorers for a long time.

My guess would be that the "inner" panel will have to be fabricated with sheet metal - that's what I did.

Also keep in mind, it can be less expensive and a better solution to leave the rockers smooth, leaving off the plastic skirts that require the holes that water and salt get into and cause the rust in the first place. You can also just cut off the rockers entirely and weld in a metal 2 x4 rectangular tube, which adds strength and protection.

LMC has them on page 22, 40 bucks a piece.

I don't know how long they are, though. Have to replace mine, too, and was thinking into the the 2x4 suggestion Anime makes.

I'm still waiting on hearing from this local shop. They are known to do good work on rocker panels.

I might try to do it myself but I don't have the welding or riveting equipment. I have done most of my mechanical work, ie, replacing fuel pump, bearings brakes.
