94XLT somtimes doesnt start... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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94XLT somtimes doesnt start...


October 18, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Portland Oregon
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT
i am looking to know what to look for on what is goin on
about 1-2 times a week i will drive somewhere close by
and when i go back in to start it just cranks and cranks and never starts
after after hour of off and on tryin it just starts up

also which could deal with this, usually after i start up and drive a block i will hit the gas and will be nothing.. like total lose of power then revs back up and goes..

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sounds like a fuel delivery problem (dying fuel pump, clogged filter, clogged line, clogged pickup, etc..) ... search the message board, ive seen many threads revolving around the same symptoms.

When it won't start, when you turn the key to the 'on' position, you should hear the fuel pump run for about 2 seconds. If you don't hear that noise, then your problem is fuel delivery related. I'd replace the fuel pump relay to start with. If you do hear the pump prime, then your problem could be the fuel filter regulator or spark related.

When you hit the key to the RUN pos not start you should here a hmmmmmmmmmm...this is the sound of the fuel pump. Like everyone else said if you don't hear this it is not on naturally. If it is a high milleage pump then I would suspect the motor is getting weak or you might have a power or ground problem. A quick check of these when it dosent start can save alot of time. One thing to think about, a fuel pump will leave you stranded in the worst spot usually. Better take care of it sooner than later.

Computer codes?

Haveyou tried to pull computer codes yet? This too may give you an idea of where to start and is very easy to do.

I used the search option and didnt come up with usefull info...

sorry for the thread jack but im worrying about my fuel pump aswell , lately its been making the sound as if it was just turned on (eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee) but long after its been running (almost like it doesnt stop from when I turn the key). Should I be worried? and what might cause this?

Sorry again for thread jack but i didnt think i should start a new thread on something like this.

Hi, I had this problem for over 2 years. Replaced the fuel pump and solenoid, bunch of other stuff. Finally it wouldn't start at all. Precision tune put new relays (fuel pump and engine electrical) in it, starts every time now.
