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95 explorer lift


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June 13, 2011
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1995 explorer xlt
Where can I find a complete lift kit for my 95 explorer xlt 4x4?

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Where can I find a complete lift kit for my 95 explorer xlt 4x4?

This will give you a complete lift.

Or are you talking body lift or suspension lift?

This will give you a complete lift.

Or are you talking body lift or suspension lift?

Now that advice is worth a thousand.

And the pic is PRICELESS!! :notworthy

Best advice yet, and he did not even have to search for that simple solution!

OOPS, did I say SEARCH? :dunno:

But, Jason, is that a universal kit? Cause it says Mopar at the top of the pic. :scratch:

Is that kit simple to install? It looks complicated as hell. :help:

And one more thing Jason, can you tell the crowd where that kit can be bought?

But, Jason, is that a universal kit? Cause it says Mopar at the top of the pic. :scratch:
Some what universal. One size fits most.

Is that kit simple to install? It looks complicated as hell. :help:

For some, this maybe a bit complicated, and some parts maybe replaced with concrete blocks or other things laying around.

And one more thing Jason, can you tell the crowd where that kit can be bought?
Most of you local auto parts store should have this kit, also but not limited to walmart, sears, and k-mart.

Originally posted by Jason c
Some what universal. One size fits most.

Wow that is great, you think I could fit 44's with that kit? :shifty_ey

Originally posted by Jason c
For some, this maybe a bit complicated, and some parts maybe replaced with concrete blocks or other things laying around.

Concrete blocks? No way, those things are too damn heavy, that would kill my gas mileage around town. Mileage already low enough. :nono:

Originally posted by Jason c
Most of you local auto parts store should have this kit, also but not limited to walmart, sears, and k-mart.

Wal-Mart, did you say Wal-Mart, that is way cool. I live in Wal-Mart, I mean near it. I love that mall, hopefully it will be cheap enough to put on my Wal-Mart pre-paid card, I think I still have like 50 bucks on it. :crazy:

That is too cool, do you mind if I PM you with any install questions I may have after I pick that kit up? Thanks man, what a pal.

Concrete blocks? No way, those things are too damn heavy, that would kill my gas mileage around town. Mileage already low enough. :nono:
The concrete blocks are only used by those finding this kit too complicated to use. For the rest of us, the jack stands will work just fine.

a suspension lift

The guys are being a little harsh on you, but they do have a point. Take some time and read as much here as you can using the search feature. There are specific sub-forums on this site that will help you with just about every question you have. 1st & 2nd gens have been dissected, rebuilt, modified, & fabricated in just about every way possible here.

Welcome aboard. ;)

Not trying to be harsh. Just not a lot of info given. From what I hear a combo of a raked body lift 3 inches in the front to none in the back, with a spring over in the back works really well.
