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98 Explorer Value / problems?

greg s

Well-Known Member
February 28, 2005
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1997 4wd sohc Explorer
Hi, I wanted to get any feedback from owners regarding a 1998 Explorer with the V8 engine. I own a 97 Explorer with the 4.0 SOHC engine and most issues have been with the engine and transmission. Other problems are just typical high mileage stuff. But I came across a 98 Explorer with a V8 and 140,000 miles that I may consider buying and was wondering if there are any problems with this drivetrain. Or other problems with the 98 model. Thanks

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I highly recommend the v8. We have 4 of them in the family. None have had any serious problems. The engines should be good for 300k+ and the transmissions are very robust. A '98 in my area (in good condition) would sell for $1500-$2000 on CL. The better the condition the higher the price of course. I purchased a 2000 5.0 XLT a little over a year ago. It needed a few minor repairs, but had 4 new tires and a new battery. It was very well optioned for an XLT, almost as an Eddie Bauer. I've since put about 10,000 miles on it without any major issues.

The than the engine, radiator and trans, the v8's use all the same parts as the v6's and suffer from the typical Explorer problems/wear issues, which are all minor.

A 5.0 will easily go another 100k+ miles.

I own a 98 Limited with the 5.0 engine. It has 163,000 miles or so.
No problems at all with the transmission (but I do change fluid regularly, which others may not).
The only problem that I had with the engine was a failure of the timing cover gasket - which is very common, I believe. It's a nasty repair that can set you back $500-1000 if you don't do it yourself. At 163K the engine consumes about 1 quart of oil between changes (which I do every 10,000 miles, with synthetic). These years use the waste-spark system, with high voltage wires. These wires are prone to failure and need to be replaced regularly.
The original 19988 DPFE (EGR flow sensor) was prone to failure, and hopefully had been replaced on the vehicle that you are looking at. Some members have reported a failure of the EGR valve, which is cheap, but can be a b*tch to replace.
The rear differential has now developed a bit of a whine, which is typical for all the solid axle 8.8" Ford units, regardless of the vehicle they are installed on. The rebuild can be pricey.

Is the one you are looking at an AWD or 2WD?
Mine is AWD. No problems whatsoever with the transfer case, but the front axle has recently developed a bit of a cracking sound (similar to a leaky exhaust manifold). Not sure if it's the diff or something else. If it's the diff, the repair may be pricey.

Nothing to do with the drive train, but if the one you are looking at is a Limited (or perhaps even EB), it may have the fancy, load leveling air suspension all around. I think that Ford switched to rear-only in 1999, and then abandoned the whole thing a couple years later. This system is prone to failure and the compressor is practically impossible to find. So far I only had to replace the shock absorbers (which are around $100 a piece, if memory serves). Many have just abandoned the whole system and installed regular shocks.

Hi, I wanted to get any feedback from owners regarding a 1998 Explorer with the V8 engine. I own a 97 Explorer with the 4.0 SOHC engine and most issues have been with the engine and transmission. Other problems are just typical high mileage stuff. But I came across a 98 Explorer with a V8 and 140,000 miles that I may consider buying and was wondering if there are any problems with this drivetrain. Or other problems with the 98 model. Thanks

205k on my 99 EB v8 and still kicking strong.
