99 explorer fuel filter help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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99 explorer fuel filter help


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2011
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City, State
Zanesville, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Explorer Sport 4X4
I been trying change my filter and cant get the duck bill clamps off, I went to harbor frieght and bought the aluminum multicolored set, and also the plastic round set, neither will get them off, is there a way to cut off the connectors and use barbed couplings to add fuel line and then clamp it onto the filter? do I need special line?

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I had the same issue when getting mine out. It was just plain stuck. The plastic tool is actually a better fit than the metal on out fuel line. Take a small handheld hacksaw and cut the two small necks at both ends of the filter. By getting rid of the body of the filter it will allow you to better insert the fuel line release tool. Make sure when you cut closest to the middle of the filter. That way it will allow you to grab the stumps that are still hooked into the fuel line ends with a pair of vise grips.

Take a look around and search on this site. I'm almost postive somoeone posted a video showing what fuse under the hood to remove in order to release pressure in the filter

Place a couple of rags on the floor because some fuel will come out of the filter

While the filter is still in the holder make the two cuts, cutting close to the middle

With one hand hold the fuel line tool in place putting pressure on the remnant that is stuck and grab the other end with a set of vise grips. Slowly turn the piece until you feel it pop loose. Repeat on the other side

It is important that you don't twist and turn the fuel line so you don't possibly rupture it. Only twist the piece of the fuel filter left.

I pieced this process together after reading different methods here and elsewhere. It took me all of 10 minutes. Unfortunately I wasted 2 hours just trying to do it with the fuel line tool. Man my arms were tired.

thanx for the info, I got it last night, I read of another users trick, using a 1/2 inch wrench on one side of the fitting and the tool and squeezing them together with a set of visegrips to get the tool all the way in and it worked really good. It was really in need of a new one, the gas inside was dark brown

Glad to hear. Yeah, I was marvelled at the black filth that poured out of the old filter.

I had the same issue when getting mine out. It was just plain stuck. The plastic tool is actually a better fit than the metal on out fuel line. Take a small handheld hacksaw and cut the two small necks at both ends of the filter.

Hacksaw + steel tube filled with gas and vapors+ all the methane from the dumps on SI??
Try not to create any sparks!:fire::fire:;)

Also, for anyone attempting this.. be sure to depressurize your fuel system before you attempt this repair. One quick way is to disconnect the inertia switch by the passengers right foot. Then crank the car for a few seconds. If you don't do that you may get a fuel bath.

That's why I stated to look up the process to remove the fuse which powers the fuel pump. That will depressurize the system. Also using a small hand held hacksaw will cut through the thin metal slowly thus not causing heat to build up. :salute:
