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99 Ranger 2WD No Reverse


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January 21, 2007
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2021 Explorer XLT
Hi Guys,

I have a 99 Ranger XLT SuperCab 2WD that I recently purchased with no reverse.

3.0L, Auto Trans (4R44E?)

I have been reading other posts and learned enough to maybe be dangerous?

It goes into reverse but barely creeps on flat ground. Makes a sound in reverse only that sounds like an old monster movie when the ants are coming (chrrrrrrrrrr). All forward gears work. It does go forward when I put in manually in 1st gear so the band must be okay according to what I read here.

Trans fluid smelled burnt according to my friend, kind of like varnish.

Dropped the pan and replaced the filter. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Added a bottle (24 oz.) of Lucas Transmission Fix and refilled with trans fluid. This did nothing but waste my money.

Any help would be appreciated.


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What happens in other gears... do you have all forward gears normally in OD and D? What happens when you select manual 1st? The last Q is the one I am most curious about.

All forward gears work with OD on and off.

Select 1st gear manually and the truck moves forward normally.

Sorry as I re-read you had answered my main question. Well with what you tell me I am suspecting you might have a blown out VB gasket.

I'd be inclined to drop the VB and do the FORD TSB at the same time. As to a shift kit and an EPC at this time... that's up to you.

I am guessing with about a 60% confidence level you will find a blown out VB gasket.

I have seen reference to the Ford TSB, but don't know what it is? I assume it is a technical service bulletin, but as you refer to it it must be a repair kit.

What would I need to buy? Could I buy the necessary parts locally so I could work on it tomorrow?

What would a shift kit and an EPC do for me? Isn't the EPC one of those 6 solenoids?

(PS — I am on page 3 of your 5R55E Valve Body Rebuild Diary)

The TSB I refer to is set out verbatim on page 1 of the Diary. The EPC IS one of the solenoids, and a problem child one. Trust me on this. I can give you a listing of treads, but you can find them yourself if you want in depth knowledge. Mught try "A Modest Proposal...." for starters.

The TSB parts, including the right sep plate, you can order thru you local Ford dealer, usually a day to get it. Same with the EPC. Me? I would do both.

Hi Chris,

Pulled the valve body today. The gaskets on both sides of the separator plate looked good.

2 of the 3 screws holding the separator plate to the valve body did not feel very tight, even with my using a 1/4" drive ratchet.

I did the Ford TSB, and still have the valve body on my bench, but am reluctant to reassemble without checking other things to try and cure my no reverse problem.

Any advice?


The big question would be " did it have engine braking in MAN 1 ??" Of course you can't tell us now.

How did the green gasket around the reverse servo look?? No tears?? Take a phillips screwdriver and push it up the hole where the servo goes. You should be able to feel the band apply. Feels kinda springy.

I did drive it starting in manual 1 and manual 2. Without specially meaning to test engine braking in manual 1, I am not certain, but I believe it felt normal.

The green gasket on the reverse servo cover looks good as do the 2 'O' rings on the servo itself.

The band felt springy when I pushed with the screwdriver.

One thing I noticed is that when I pushed on the plug for the reverse modulation valve it was stuck. Now that it is free, there is a springy feel to it.

I know it's am old post but this problem jus happen to me....how did you end up fixing it?
