A/C Compressor Oil Capacities | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A/C Compressor Oil Capacities


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February 3, 2005
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91 Eddie Bauer
I just bought a new a/c compressor for my explorer ('91), and I do not know the oil capacity for it. its R-134 refridgernt oil. Also is their any special way to take the oil out of the compressor? I tried pouring it our on its side, and I thought the oil would come out on its own. Also Should I put oil in before I put the compressor on, or put the oil in via those refridgerany/oil cans. Thanks

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First off are you converting to R-134 or have you already? Secondly, what is leading to compressor replacement? If the old one died a bad death you may need to do a LOT more than simply replace the compressor. In the Useful threads there is a thread which, although titled "Converting your AC to 134" is really more of an encyclopedia on Auto AC with lots of pics and links. You SHOULD also replace the accumulator/drier when replacing ANY compressor, and check/replace the orifice tube as well.

ALL that said... assuming the old system HAD already been converted.... I recommend you add 2 oz of oil to the compressor, hand turning it until it is well dispersed inside the compressor... also add 2 oz to the accumulator (which you ARE replacing, ok? <g>... I'd certainly check the orifice tube.

If your compressor died a bad death, I'd do a LOT more... all this is covered in the thread I mentioned. Good luck.

Thanks for all your help. Me and my dad blew out the system with nitrogen to check for debris, and nothing but oil came out, which was a good sign. We also took apart the old compressor to see what was wrong, and it was very clean inside, the pistons were not moving at all though. we put about 3 ounces directly into the compressor, and some in the accumulator. The orifice is clean, so hopefully everything is alright... thanks for your help again.

great, sounds like you are good to go.... REPLACE that accumulator my friend !!! (if you need a 2nd reason, that is the #1 leak point on Explorers)

Also check out the thread I mentioned previously...

Glacier is correct, but if you really want to bore yourself with specs. go to http//cv6.fakeleg.com , click on TechManual , click on A/C compressor oil check
(info. includes Ford's)
