Actual "Pecan" color??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Actual "Pecan" color???


Well-Known Member
February 27, 2011
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Central CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
'11 Limited (Lovin' It!)
I ordered my limited this week Sterling Gray with Pecan Interior. I really liked the way it looked in the brochure/ford web site. I was poking around the net today and found some photos that were not even close to the brochure color. One was a light tan and the other had an orange tint.

I am concerned that colors will clash now :( anyone see the gray/pecan in person or at least the pecan?

Here is the "tan" version:

Here is the "orange" version:

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Mine is Sterling Grey with the Pecan seats. Love the color combination. I really like how the Pecan brightens up the dark interior, but not as much as the stone. You made a good choice!

When I saw it in person, it was closer to the brochure color. Maybe a shade or two lighter.

The pictures I see from people online always seem closer to tan than dark brown. Probably due to the flash.

I really like how Pecan looks in the brochure but I couldn't find any locally to check out in person. I didn't want to risk it so I just ordered black.

I find it hard to believe that the orange one is how it'll really look as it's not even CLOSE to the brochure picture. Ford would have some disappointed/pissed off customers if they pulled that kind of false advertising.

I have the golden bronze ltd with the pecan interior and beleave me i get awesome compliments !!! Its the perfect combo its not orange you can see it on i'm very happy to have gotten this combo. No one else has it most have black, gray, white there nice but the golden bronze and pecan is awe!!!!!

I saw one in person and from what I remember the "orange" version is what I saw.

Thanks Guys! I really love the dark brown (fingers crossed)! The other colors (even the orange) look like they would be stunning with the Gold bronze exterior! Congrats NewportNJ!

@tmsoko - What color is your armrest (1st row)? The ford website (360 deg view) shows black, while other photos seem to be pecan?

The arm rest in the one I saw was the pecan color


Thanks!! And you will love it :>)
