Adding Garmin SatNav - Hide the power cable | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Adding Garmin SatNav - Hide the power cable


New Member
January 13, 2012
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I will use a brodit clip to mount the garmin nuvi satnav onto the air vent on the center.

So not to have unsightly wires trailing around the cab can somebody advise how I remove the center speaker grill so I can run a cable down behind the dash?

If this is a bad idea and other have a better solution I would be grateful to hear them



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Just a suggestion but if you go to the Ford Fleet Website and go to the Police Section you can download the Police Interceptor Utility (Explorer) Modifiers Guide.

It has step by step modifiers instructions for the vehicle that you may be able to copy for adding equipment on the dash. In the Police Utility that centre speaker is replaced with an equipment tray that will hold electronics.

Thank you both for the guide - very useful. As we see the police vehicle had an easily removable tray.

If anybody can advise how to remove the speaker grill without me damaging it it would also be a help

Thanks again


I mounted my GPS on the dash in the center, and ran the power cord through next to MFT under that silver piece, and then into the center great!

I mounted my GPS on the dash in the center, and ran the power cord through next to MFT under that silver piece, and then into the center great!

That sounds just the ticket - could you send a photo please? Any tips on getting the cable under the trim?



That sounds just the ticket - could you send a photo please? Any tips on getting the cable under the trim?



I don't have photo capabilites...but all I did is took a nylon pry tool and put it under the silver trim and slowly popped it off. I think there were 4 or 5 clips holding it on. Then I was able to squeeze the power cable between the vent trim and pulled it up around the top of the vent so it was centered. I took the bolt that holds the MFT screen in place to get the cord behind that, and popped the side panel of the councel loose which was extremely easy. Once again, there were small clips every 4 or 5 inches. I had to then trim off a corner of the councel liner to allow the cord into it, and that's it. Once that silver trim piece is off, it's a piece of cake.

The wiring on these vehicles is very different than ours correct? I just read section 2 and it says their is a battery connector in the rear section passenger side behind the panels.

That would only be on the Police Interceptor correct?

Thanks JustB_rad

Your description is perfect although I am not sure what you mean by the councel and councel liner.

Thanks again


The wiring on these vehicles is very different than ours correct? I just read section 2 and it says their is a battery connector in the rear section passenger side behind the panels.

That would only be on the Police Interceptor correct?

I will check on that because I didn't know about that either. I think you may be referring to a "powerpoint" that is offered for outfitting the vehicle with aftermarket police equipment in the rear.

I know that engineers didn't want to copy the Dodge Charger Police vehicle by putting the battery in the trunk because the battery becomes a projectile in a rear crash.

The Ford Interceptors are the only one with a 75MPH rear crash rating and they don't want to loose that.

The charger has also had several fires in the trunk due to the battery being there.

Thanks JustB_rad

Your description is perfect although I am not sure what you mean by the councel and councel liner.

Thanks again


The center where the shifter is, and when you lift the armrest, the black felt lined inside.

I think he is referring to the centre CONSOLE, not counsel.

yes, definitely not a battery location, but a powerpoint. it looks like they ran some heavy duty cable back there to connect accessories.

If we had this too it would be nice for adding stuff.

I will check on that because I didn't know about that either. I think you may be referring to a "powerpoint" that is offered for outfitting the vehicle with aftermarket police equipment in the rear.

I know that engineers didn't want to copy the Dodge Charger Police vehicle by putting the battery in the trunk because the battery becomes a projectile in a rear crash.

The Ford Interceptors are the only one with a 75MPH rear crash rating and they don't want to loose that.

The charger has also had several fires in the trunk due to the battery being there.
