aftermarket lights, to stock fog light switch?!?! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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aftermarket lights, to stock fog light switch?!?!

ok i'm an idiot with electrical stuff... but here it goes....
could someone tell me how if it is possible to wire my offroad lights to my stock fog light switch....
here is my situation.... i have a custom bumper, so no more fog lights, but i just installed a light bar with procomp lights up on top. and i would love to be able to use my stock button switch to operate them.

I'm pretty sure i will have to do like taxxman did, and mess with the relay so i can use them w/o my low beams.... but any details on how to wire those lights into my switch would be awesome
thnx guys

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Hey, Its no problem to do it. I did mine today, sorry no pics. All you have to do is cut the wires at the stock fog lights and splice in your new wires that go to the aftermarket fog lights. Remember you can only wire 2 lights to the stock system. If you need to add more lights you need to run more wires, switches, Etc. If you just want to wire in 2 lights its simple.
Any ?'s let me know.

Buy a 30 amp relay and run that off of your stock fog light wires. With that you can run four lights on your light bar and it will take the initial load off of the stock switch and fuse. Wiring instructions are on the relay package.

Did you get a wiring harness and instructions w/the pro comp lights?
Id so just follow the directions for the wiring except the wire that goes from the relay to the switch is the wire that goes from the relay to the hot lead on the OEM fog light wire. Now your OEM switch is taking the plaace of the pro comp switch.
If not follow this diagram doing the same as above.
Hope this helps...
Oh ya, dont just wire the new lights to the OEM wireing without useing a relay. The OEM wires are not made for much more than the 35 watt OEM bulbs and they do not give you 13+ volts to power your new lights to their full potential. If you use the OEM wiring a 55 watt bulb will put out about 45 watts or less.

Well sorry for the mis information. I guess I'll go ahead and throw in a relay for good measure on mine.

cool thnx for the help guys
