Air bag light reset | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Air bag light reset


Off-road enthusiast
Elite Explorer
October 6, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
chesapeake virginia
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 xlt 4x4
Got a code 12 which was a blown 10 amp fuse replaced fuse and now I'm having trouble resetting system can't find two prong connector around srs computer on the passenger side kick panelthere is a grey and a black plug black having one green wire going to it all , other wires cut and both were disconnected afraid to plug in until I know why they were disconnected and what there used for

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Well for some reason the cut wires are all rewired somewhere else and must have been a dealer thing looks like a clean job anyway still having trouble finding that two prong reset connector

I'm interested to learn if there is a way to reset the airbag ! when I bought the truck 2 month ago the light was not working I replace it and now I get code 36 which I replace the latch on the driver side and still have the darn blinking light :)

......maybe I'll just wait until it resets itself

......maybe I'll just wait until it resets itself

Ha ha ,well or until the light bulb burns out cause it will never reset itself :)

Forscan Lite (I use it on Android) with an OBDII reader is capable of resetting the DTC's for all modules in the vehicle ('96 and newer) including the ABS module.

That said, the one time I had a DTC on my ABS module, it cleared itself after I repaired the damaged wire. I didn't have to reset the module.

Forscan for your laptop is free to download. Forscan Lite for Android is about $5. Don't know what it costs for the iphone.

Just want to add. Reset DTCs as a last resort. The light should have gone out if the condition was truly cleared.

With Forscan Lite, you can see all of the DTC's from all modules in your vehicle. Most likely you still have a condition that hasn't been fixed. The DTC code should at least give you an idea of what the condition is.

Ha ha ,well or until the light bulb burns out cause it will never reset itself :)

The two times I have come across a burned out bulb like that, the chime wouldn't shut off (I guess to make it harder to hide an illuminated Check Engine Light).

The two times I have come across a burned out bulb like that, the chime wouldn't shut off (I guess to make it harder to hide an illuminated Check Engine Light).

omg that chime drove me crazy , I didn't know what it was until I search here and it was a burn out bulb , so I replace it and it threw a code 36 which I replace the driver side belt latch and still I have the light on , I have try a few subjections from here and still blinks and than solid :)

From what I gathered in research is you get a code 52 after you have fixed a code 12 stating the problem has been fixed it also found contradictions stating a code 52 is a whole new code for different problem if also read after so many ignition cycles the light should go out so I still haven't really figured this out.hopefully somebody has had this same problem and knows how to fix it without a scanner as my scanner doesn't do airbag problems

From what I gathered in research is you get a code 52 after you have fixed a code 12 stating the problem has been fixed it also found contradictions stating a code 52 is a whole new code for different problem if also read after so many ignition cycles the light should go out so I still haven't really figured this out.hopefully somebody has had this same problem and knows how to fix it without a scanner as my scanner doesn't do airbag problems

Is your reader a stand alone device? If you have a USB or a Bluetooth reader, then you can use Forscan (or Forscan Lite on your phone). Forscan for the PC is free.

Regarding your comment about the wires looking like they were cut, The ABS system looks for very specific properties on each wire (resistance, inductance, ...) Most of our vehicles have an ABS module capable of supporting every possible airbag configuration (including the side curtain airbags). If your vehicle doesn't have an airbag, the wiring is still present, there is just a special termination attached to the connector at the end of the wire.

At this point, even if you have to borrow a proper reader, you probably want to get the ABS DTC's as they will hopefully implicate a specific airbag so you can follow the wiring and check for breaks or shorts.

Thanks well I'm either going to see if my standalone readers cord will plug into PC or maybe order Bluetooth connector I already ordered an eBay job and is junk won't connect to phone ELM 327 for 5.99 free shipping go figure
