Air only comes out of the defrost vents. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Air only comes out of the defrost vents.


New Member
July 17, 2011
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Oklahoma City, Okla
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Aerostar XLT
1993 Aerostar XLT which I am original owner of. Vehicle stored for several years due to compressor pump blowing up. Had other vehicles to drive so I just took my time buying the parts to complety replace the AC system in the van.

Got it all together and finally started replacing the system. Finished last week.

So OK, the problem...........AC only blows out of the defroster vents. Very minimal air movement from the dash vents.

Am also getting hot air from the floor vent.

I suspect it to be a bad vac line in the system as it has set a few years now.

Cant find enough information to tell me if the heater doors are vac or mechanical operation.

I can flip the dash control switch all through the range but it will not shift off defroster............which leads me to believe it is a mechanical or electrical door control problem.

If so, are they accessible and from where.

Have used the search function on this forum but nothing quiet fits.

Not a stranger to cars consider my stable I play with, but this one is interesting.

Just thought there might be a similar solve from some one before I start tearing the dash apart.:p:

Welcome to this forum! The plastic vacuum lines usually cracks near the rubber boot. Check the line near the servo under the hood in the front middle of the engine compartment. There is also a check valve in that area that could get clogged with oil deposits.

easy fix for AC Defroster/vent doors

This is an easy fix most of the time at least for Explorers. Old School big Greek mechanic here says go to the firewall and find the Black Rigid plastic vacuum line going into the firewall, Pull it out of the fire wall Then with engine idling Squirt Gum-out into the line leading towards the vacuum source. Then place the line back onto the tube you took it off from at the firewall. Voila should work now. In most cases the line or check valves get clogged or stuck from an occasional blow back leak.

1993 Aerostar XLT which I am original owner of. Vehicle stored for several years due to compressor pump blowing up. Had other vehicles to drive so I just took my time buying the parts to complety replace the AC system in the van.

Got it all together and finally started replacing the system. Finished last week.

So OK, the problem...........AC only blows out of the defroster vents. Very minimal air movement from the dash vents.

Am also getting hot air from the floor vent.

I suspect it to be a bad vac line in the system as it has set a few years now.

Cant find enough information to tell me if the heater doors are vac or mechanical operation.

I can flip the dash control switch all through the range but it will not shift off defroster............which leads me to believe it is a mechanical or electrical door control problem.

If so, are they accessible and from where.

Have used the search function on this forum but nothing quiet fits.

Not a stranger to cars consider my stable I play with, but this one is interesting.

Just thought there might be a similar solve from some one before I start tearing the dash apart.:p:
