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Album Cover Art on Touch Screen

I thought iTunes assumes you are using an ipod/iphone (vs. a bland USB drive). But maybe more importantly are you implying that you can't more basically convert CD tracks to mp3 and expect anything but files to show up unless this conversion software is also hooked to the internet during the process where it can look up all that additional info?

iTunes can be configured to rip in both mp3, or aac, and the files can be burned to mp3 CD, or copied to a vanilla usb drive as the response implied. However I did say iTunes or OTHERS, and no way am suggesting that iTunes is required.

To your second note, yes, this is exactly what I'm implying. Unless you want to use software and manually edit and write the ID3 tags yourself, you are going to want to use an internet connected computer to rip the CD's and tag the files for you. Why would this be an issue? Surely to be on these boards asking this question means that you likely have an internet connected computer.

If you are not connected to the internet (unless by some odd means you have a copy of the entire updated gracenote database at your disposal), then you will get generic names for the tracks (ie: Track1, Track2, Track3). Possibly ripping software will utilize CD Text, but a small portion of CD's on the market even employ this option.

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The other problem is that when you rip with itunes, it doesn't embed the album art into the id3 tags. Itunes artwork is only available to itunes. If you want the artwork available to other systems, you must manually embed it into the metadata. You can do this by entering into the info screen for a song (or album or any other selection) and pasting the album art into the art field.

OK, so itunes is not the end all in this. Now that you've educated me a little, maybe I can ask my question more generically. Is there a good cheap/free piece of software out there that I can use to rip my CDs onto a USB drive as mp3s that will also search the Gracenote database while it's doing so to create all the song/album/genera names I might want? As for album art itself, it's cute, but not as necessary while I'm driving since I can't really stare at it ;)

OK, so itunes is not the end all in this. Now that you've educated me a little, maybe I can ask my question more generically. Is there a good cheap/free piece of software out there that I can use to rip my CDs onto a USB drive as mp3s that will also search the Gracenote database while it's doing so to create all the song/album/genera names I might want? As for album art itself, it's cute, but not as necessary while I'm driving since I can't really stare at it ;)
You can try Exact Audio Copy. There is a small learning curve and it uses freedb instead of Gracenote, but EAC has been one of the standards in the ripping software world for a number of years. Yes, it's free and freely copyable.

You can try Exact Audio Copy. There is a small learning curve and it uses freedb instead of Gracenote, but EAC has been one of the standards in the ripping software world for a number of years. Yes, it's free and freely copyable.

That's great. Thanks!

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so i was messing with the album art on my computer and found out that if you use itunes the album art well come out clear if your adding art manually or auto. if you use windows media player it will be small and pixalated on your ford touch screen.

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