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Another Front Driveshaft Problem


September 26, 2005
City, State
Fort Wayne, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 Merc. Mountaineer
I had the same problem on my 98 Mounty as MrLadyLover. My front driveshaft CV joint went out. Had a trans. shop replace it and when they did, the new replacement had 2 U-joints rather than 1 U-joint and a CV joint. They checked with their supplier who told them it had been updated and the part was correct. Now, I've got a very noticable vibration beginning about 30mph and up that finally smooths out a little at highway speeds (55 or higher), but never goes away. We're tried rotating the shaft 180 degrees, replacing it with another new one, but the vibes are still there! Any ideas anyone?

Thanks! :usa:

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Maybe your vibration is not because of the new driveshaft? Especially if you have replaced it twice.

Check engine mounts and trans mount AFTER the tires are balanced and alignment is checked.

could be ALOT of things causing this vibration.

check the u-joints, if it is the same shaft that i got for my 98, one of the ujoints at the transfer case has side to side play in it out of the box. It's almost like the flange is made incorrectly and doesn't hold the caps on the ujoint completely tight. It allows the ujoint to move back and forth in the caps a little.

Take the retainer clips out, press in the caps on both sides, and put some sort of spacer (thin washers work well) on both sides and put the lock rings back in.

I have a custom driveshaft which had a vibration in it. The same two u-joints and an adapter. My issue was the adapter being out of balance slightly. It doesn't take much weight to cause a vibration. Have it rebalanced again, plus the careful installation. Good luck,

I hve a D-shaft for sale, but check on length.




Thanks for the u-joint suggestions. I'll look into that. As far as engine or or trans mounts, I've convinced myself it's not there because a: I'm feeling this vibration as a constant to road speed, regardless of engine speed, transmission engaged or in neutral, and the vibes are definitely coming through the front floorboard/seat mounts. Feel a little through the steering wheel, but not like I've usually felt from an out-of-balance tire. Road condition makes no difference, either. I'm wondering of the bad CV joint on my original shaft was masking something in the front drivetrain like another bad CV joint or Differential/half-shaft or wheel bearing.

Thanks for all the great comments! This place is COOL!!!

I have this exact same problem. I was just wondering if there have been any solutions.

No solutions yet.

I've been operating in significantly reduced financial mode lately. Been living with the vibration, but it's getting worse so I'm gonna be forced to deal with it soon. Need to try some of these suggestions, though.
