ANOTHER HU QUESTION | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Well-Known Member
February 27, 2001
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edmonds, wa
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explorer 94 sport
well i only have 1 rca going to my HU but im getting another amp a mono amp with 1 rca goin to HU (thanks for clearing that up leenjen:) so im wondering what HU to get. Right now i have the stock 94 hu but its fryed and trash so im concidering a Pioneer DEH-P3300 or a Panasonic CQ-DFX301U, which one will work best for me thanks/

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the panasonic is better if you plan on using an amp to drive the door speakers, since it has two sets of preamp outputs for full range (front and rear) and a set for the subwoofer. i think the panasonic looks better too.

but does the pioneer have more features?

not really.
the panasonic also comes with a remote (the pioneer doesnt), the panasonic has more power, and a better signal-noise ratio. it also has a higher FM sensitivity, which means better sounding radio.

I got a pioneer 4100 series that i love!!
but i am wanting a new cd player a jvc kameleon.
I am probably gonna sell my 4100 series for 190 plus shipping if your intrested.
CD player is only bout a year old and works great!!!! comes with carrying case as well for the detachable face.


I also own a Pioneer 4100 and I love it...but the Panasonic one is a better headunit...especially when it comes to sound quality. To get a good sounding Pioneer headunit you gotta step up to the 7300 series and higher. They've got the better specs. The lower Pioneers have a lot of gimicky things that don't do all that much really. The Front Image Enhancer is nice and the Easy EQ is a nice touch but honestly I leave the EQ set in the same custom posistion 99% of the time. I never use the presets so it's just like adjusting bass/mid/highs on a regular EQ.

