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anyone use the NKG V- power spark plugs?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2011
City, State
Zanesville, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Explorer Sport 4X4
Im getting ready to change my plugs and wires and I was thinking about the NKG V power spark plugs, anyone ever use these? Its for a 99 EX SOHC 4.0

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Stay away

I made the mistake of using them in my 5.0. They lasted 3000 miles. I had a horrible misfire on 3 cylinders and could barely make it up a slight incline. When I pulled them there was no electrode or insulator left. I can honestly say they almost wrecked my motor. Stick with Motocraft.

Autolite makes the plugs for Motorcraft. Use their higer quality iridium plugs (XP103 for yours) and be done. Better than Motorcraft ones.


PS: Explores NEED as a minimum dual platinum (or better iridium) because of the reverse spark on half of the cylinders (commun ignition coil). Those V-Power have regular metal electrodes, nothing like the platinum or iridium needed.

wow that is interesting, XP103 it is, thanks alot for the info

Been runin them on mine 4 bout 2000 miles, no problem even runnin 14 afrs for about a 6 months lol. Heck if 1000 hp motors are usin them why cant our explorers? Besides id rather pay $2 a plug then $10

Just sayin why would they use them in there if they didnt work? And Ive never seen and ngk v-power plug fail, now if ur runnin way to to lean or rich that will mess them up.
