ASC light blinks next to the sun roof controls | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ASC light blinks next to the sun roof controls


New Member
December 29, 2008
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Hey guys. I have a 2003 Explorer 2 door. There are a few buttons for opening/closing the sunroof on the roof of the car and one I've never noticed (or know what it's purpose is), the "ASC" button, keeps blinking red ever since.

My battery died a week ago and ever since I replaced it with a new battery, this button blinks. I don't have an owners manual and couldn't find a pdf online so I'm not sure what this button even does. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

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You have an aftermarket sun roof...not a factory one. One of the neat features of that roof is it will close automatically if you turn the key off. By pressing the ASC button, it will light up and bypass that feature. The roof will stay open when you turn the key off. The bad news is, I'm not sure what it means if it's blinking. I'm guessing its a code of some sort. Have you tried pushing the button and see what happens?

Now, here's the real bad news. That company has been sold off and is practically defunct. What I would suggest you do is locate a shop that sells and installs aftermarket sun roofs and see if they can help you if you need repairs/parts. Many shops still carry parts and can service these roofs.

i never realized the sunroof is aftermarket but you are right about it closing automatically when you turn the car off. thanks a lot for your help, I appreciate it.

fyi, after playing around with it, opening and closing, i was able to get the asc to stop blinking.

ASC Sunroof blinking light means it needs resetting

From the nice folks at The Sunroof Doctor:

The sunroof control module may need to be re-calibrated. Push and hold the
Vent button for 20 seconds then test operation. If that does not fix the
operation, push and hold the Open switch for 20 seconds after the sunroof
reaches the full open position. Then test operation.

Some models have a track sensor on the LH side of the track. It is
attached to the bottom of the track with adhesive tape. If the sensor
falls down, the sunroof will not stop in the closed position. It will move
from vent to full open position or from open to vent. With the sunroof
glass open, look in the track on the drivers side. The track sensor is
approx 1/2" square plastic flush with the track. The hole will be in the
track when the sensor has fallen down.

The sunroof is powered by 2 hot wires.

Red Wire = Constant Power (Power with ignition on or off)
Orange Wire = Ignition Hot Only (No power when ignition is turned off)

You should see these 2 wires where the installer attached them to the fuse
box. Verify both wires are correctly connected. Both wires also have
in-line fuses. Make sure both fuses are good.

If the sunroof is getting correct power and the track sensor is in place,
you most likely need a replacement control module. These range in price
from $91.00-$165.00. They are located at the rear of the sunroof, above
the headliner.

ASC / Inalfa company is now known as Signature Auto.

For more assistance, visit an ASC/Signature sunroof service center:

Customer Service
The Sunroof Doctor

I had one of these roofs in a Mark VIII I had years ago. It too needed a control module that my local dealers carried in it must not be an usual issue. However, it is the only problem I ever had with that roof. Other than that, it was a very nice product that was every bit as good...if not better...than the OE product.

Cobraguy, What were the symptoms of failure in the control module?
