B&M shift plus is JUNK | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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B&M shift plus is JUNK


Well-Known Member
August 7, 2002
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Upstate New York
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 4.0L 4x4 XLT
I got a B&M shift plus about a month ago. I installed it and it worked fine, I drove around all day with it on setting one, about 50-60 miles. then as I was pulling in the driveway my O/D light started flashing. So I get the code read and it was a P1746-Electronic Pressure Control soliniod curcit problem. So off to the tranny shop. I removed the B&M Shift plus and called B&M directly to see what they have to say. They tell me they don't recomend installing ANY of their shift improver products (ShiftPlus, shift kits, TransPaks) in any tranny with over 50,000 miles. I say it dosen't say that anywhere in the instructions for the shiftplus. The guy was very rude and said my tranny was messed up before and the Shiftplus had nothing to do with the EPC failure, I said it worked fine before. Anyways I am getting really mad by now so I end the phone call and take the B&M shift plus back and get my money back.

Turns out the EPC solinoid was shorted out, AND the computer was shorted out also!!

What the B&M ShiftPlus actually does is electronically manipulate the EPC solinoid to stay open and create more pressure which causes firmer shifts.

This si the second time I've had a problem with B&M products, I will NEVER buy anything from B&M again, their customer service is VERY unhelpfull.

Sorry about the long rant, but I just want to warn everyone out there, if you want to improve your tranny get a REAL shift kit, the ShiftPlus is a joke.

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I used their kit for 60k miles and 2 trannies without a problem. Yes, there is more stress on the EPC, but if the EPC is good it shouldn't cause it to fail prematurely. Yours was on it's way out anyway.

Also, a properly installed unit should have no effect on the computer.

Just trying to express the other side of the coin.

I've enjoyed mine.
But now that I have the Apten chip, I don't really need it as much.
The only thing I haven't liked about it is the strong (harsh) bump I get between 3rd and 4th, when cruising 40-50mph. But this is just my tranny searching too much because of the 265/75/16 tires, the B&M just "enhances" the search.:)

I am really happy with the Transgo kit.

I had the B&M shiftplus hooked up correctly, it is only two wires. Like I said, the computer didn't short out right away, I drove around with the shiftplus all day, then the EPC went out...

I've had a ShiftPlus for 40k miles, and now have 75k miles on my tranny. No problems whatsoever. Works great.
