Bad gas mileage!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bad gas mileage!!


Well-Known Member
January 1, 2004
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City, State
Ontario, Ca, USA
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 XL
I have a 91 X with 173,000 miles on it, I have noticed a sudden drop in gas mileage, I was just wondering if anyone has any ideas to what could be causing this. I have tried nothing as of yet, and i'm looking for ideas. I just changed the air filter about a two weeks ago.

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Any Check engine codes or anything? Have your driving habits changed or have you use 4WD recently if equipped?

As old as the truck its self I guess, should they be changed regularly.

Originally posted by xmodster3o3
As old as the truck its self I guess, should they be changed regularly.

Yeah.. there normal life is about 40,000 - 60,000 miles.

Not necessarly, however, they can cause mileage drop problems when they are bad or going bad.

I would check their function.

Good luck......

Only once have I ever seen my engine light on, it was about 2 months ago and it turned off after 5 min and a restart. I am going to look into the O2 sensor thanx for the help guys.

Originally posted by aldive
Not necessarly, however, they can cause mileage drop problems when they are bad or going bad.

I would check their function.

Good luck......

I believe most Mechanics & Ford recommend changing the 02 sensors at every 60,000 miles.

Originally posted by Blee1099
I believe most Mechanics & Ford recommend changing the 02 sensors at every 60,000 miles.

I bet, they are selling them.

I know quite a few people with welll over 150k with original sensors.

I have 3 original ones at 85k.

winter gas leads to worse gas milage.

I have always noticed a drop in mileage in the winter. Just took a 208 mile trip running 72-74 mph up and back and only got 17.9 mpg highway. Since this mileage check I have only 150 miles on this tank and only have a half tank left:eek: I am going to watch it carefully, something don't seem right if it drops below 14 mpg. I have never seen it lower than that.

I couldn't stand it, I went down and filled up phew! 16.05 mpg, I'll take that in the winter!:D

dont feel too bad, I am getting 14 mpg at 80mph (2300 rpm) in my dodge. I am getting about sick and freaking tired of it, I am gonna have to work on the intake and exhaust type things soon or else I wont be able to afford this crap. Gotta love a v8.:eek:

I loose about 2 mpg during the winter time. Mainly because I kinda neglect basic maintenance during the cold season. Why? Because its TOO DAMN COLD! I remember last year I found both rear tires were at 26 psi. :eek:

Originally posted by aldive
I bet, they are selling them.

I know quite a few people with welll over 150k with original sensors.

I have 3 original ones at 85k.

I agree with you.. I had to replace my 02 in my Explorer at about 60,000 but the 02 sensors in my Blazer are still original at 120,000 miles.

My explorer beats all those I have over 170,000 miles with the same O2's. Where can I find the location of the O2 sensors."91 explorer XL"

O2 sensor

the sensor is in the exaust on the passenger side down near the junction of the cat converter. be4side the bell housing of the tranny.
