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bass knob


Active Member
November 8, 2009
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City, State
Fairfield, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Eddie Bauer
i have a bass knob and then i turn it up it might get halfway before reaching full volume. do i need to turn down the bass boost or input level to get the volume of the subs to rise evenly when i turn the bass knob to max? i have been playing with it today but i cant figure it out. jw if anybody knows what i am talking about

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should be the input.

btw, I have one of those knobs, but I have no idea how to install it, could you show/explain it to me?

for the first question jus play with the settings on the amp like your gain an whatnot til its perfect sound to you but keep you bass knob turned all the way down... then turn it about a quarter when you have your amp set then re-adjust your amp! you wont really need the knob when you get it set because in order to crank the bass boost you have to re-adjust the amp!!! my mtx's slammed an i never even touched the bass boost knob... as far as the second question there should be a telephone type jack on the amp an the bass boost knob it jus plug-in-play but if not youll have to hard wire it

I guess I'll have to hardwire it. The boost knob has the wire running out of it, but the amp has no such plug. I have the alpine mrp-m350. It has a plug on the side of it, but I don't know what it does. Here's a pic of the side of it:

It's that white plug there. Now then, how to hardwire it...

you will have to hard wire it someway into the amp, that plug is a speaker input, there should be a designated spot to plug in saying "bass knob".

thanks, i will try that out tomaro, i played with it for awhile today but i turn the boost all the way down then try the input level and then turn the boost up to where i like it or leave it down, i havent played a whole lot with this amp yet, its fairly new.

ok, well then, another question. I don't know much about tuning systems, but what do I need to have the knobs set on for optimum bass? The three knobs are Gain, Bass EQ, and LP Gain. I didn't know what to do with them, so I just turned them all the way up, lol, but I know that is not the best they can sound. The MRP-M350 is pushing 2 10" Alpine type E SWE-1041 subs from a Pioneer DEH-P6300 head unit. I usually just set the EQ on the deck to either vocal or super bass depending on how I feel that day, haha.

I just put an Alpine amp in my Ex, the same amp you have on one Kicker CVR 10.. Thats an awesome amp! Anyway, the best way to tune your amp (assumeing you have your interior speakers running off of the head unit) is to turn all of those adjustments all the way down. Close up your truck and sit in it and tune your head unit untill your speakers are a little light on the base -but sounds how you want it otherwise- and turn it up as loud as you will ever listen to it.. leaving it at that level, slowly turn up the gain on the amp untill the bass sounds good, then turn up the boost untill it is hitting nice but not distorting your woofer.. the other one is a low pass filter which you will not notice much difference from, but it does serve a purpose. i ussually put my lp at half way. now with that done you should have nice bass at normal volume and slamming bass at high volume, if you want a little more thump add some more gain to it. try to keep your gain no more then 3/4 of the way up so the amp is not being pushed at max or it will heat up quickly and cause distortion. hope this helps!
