Best Aftermarket Coils and Plugs | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Best Aftermarket Coils and Plugs


Well-Known Member
September 16, 2012
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Southern MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Ford Explorer EB
So I'm going to be doing this soon. I have ~88,000 miles on the originals. Going to do the cylinder and fuel system cleaning treatment and try the impact wrench method. I'll have the special tool at my side just in case.

My question is, what plugs and coils have people used that work well (better?) and last longer? Does anyone thing the OEM is the best route? Why or why not? Thanks!!!!

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Yikes, I wouldn't be in a hurry to cough up $400 in "preventive maintenance" for COPs. If I had one go bad, I'd swap it off one of my more idle cars, and order a used Motorcraft from Ebay. Actually I've already done that in the past.

From my experience with non OEM plugs, I'll stick with Motorcraft or Autolite.

My own new plugs will be going in this weekend, and I'm really hoping to return my Lisle tool untouched! Also, hoping to shoot video of the ordeal if it isn't too much extra trouble.

Since you have the special tool for spark plug removal and your talking about the impact method I will assume you have a v8 engine. Changing the spark plugs out since there is a known issue with them getting stuck its good preventative maintenance. However there is little to no benefit or need to change out the coil packs early (unless you just like too).

I read somewhere that the current Motorcraft plugs for the V8 3v have been strengthened so that they don't pull apart so easily. Even so my son went with Champion because of their one piece construction. They are working very well.

COPs are not considered a maintenance item. Replace if and when required as mentioned earlier.

Good luck.

BigNutz -

I replaced my original Motorcraft sparkplugs at 99k miles with Champions (1 broken/snapped and I had to drill the head). Maybe it was my luck but after about 34k miles, I got misfire again, and I replaced all of them again with new HT1's and at 145k miles so far no issues. Every 20k miles I would unscrew them and then put it back.

Ocasionaly, I am getting a miss/bucking, and I was going to do coils now. I was going to buy yellow accels, set of 8 about $ 205 from Summit, but I just replaced the fuel filter this weekend and I could not get the engine to miss again - so maybe that was it. Coils will come later I guess.
