best color for lights? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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best color for lights?

whether i get a grille guard or not, i will be purchasing a set of fog lights for my '94. i was wondering what the best color is because i see both clear and amber lights on the market. does each have an advantage over the other? does anyone know a good pair that doesnt have such a high price? i have benn looking at the PIAA 520 Ion Fog series. any comments.


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I see those crazy yellow ones everywhere, they seem pointless to me.. does color have anything to do with visibility? I got white lights on my guard when I got it, I didn't want to look like everyone else with those yellow ones, I'm happy with them, especially if you have superwhite headlights, don't get yellow

most of the time yellows are for fog and the clears are for auxillary hi beams

Darkfox, I'd like to contradict your statement... at least if your in an area with lots of fog or snow... I have the 520 fog's in mine and the 80 XT fog's right next to it (which are about twice as bright). Aimed exactly the same, in a snowstorm or in dense, dark fog, the yellowish 520's will light up the road MUCH more then the clear 80 XT's will. The yellow light finds its way through the white snow and fog to the road. The clear just bounces off and reflects back at you. I'm not sure if thats because of the color (but I'm pretty sure it is) but I'll be converting one set to 520 MSR (which is a clear fog) as soon as they are available (end of this month supposedly) so I'll know for sure whether clear or yellow is better in fog, independant of wattage differences. For everyday driving, I prefer the clear, but for fog and snow, nothing beats the yellow.

well, I wasn't totally sure about that, but I see your point, it make sense, heh, although more than anything else I got white lights cos I wanted to be different, heh, I guess I should keep my stock fogs then? they are kinda yellow.. you think they'd work better than superwhites?

well on teh stock fogs you'd never notice anyways... there dull as a doornail (I just made that saying up, LOL). Depends on if you actually use it for fog or just for lighting up the road better. I'll be able to let you know for sure when I make the conversion from teh 520 ion crystal fog to 520 MSR fog. Then we'll know for sure :).

well, thats a good saying, but what happens if I have chrome door knobs? lol
