BFGoodrich at Sears | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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BFGoodrich at Sears

I was at Sears today and they had BFG's AT KO 31x10.50's $ this a decent price? Also is there any difference between raised white letters and the black letters?
Thansks in advance for your help.

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I just so happen to work for Sears at the moment. The BFG AT KO's have a locked price, so it should be fairly close to the price you were quoted at most tire stores that carry them. The only difference between the raised whites and the black is which side of the tire you want facing out. They all have one sidewall that is solid black and the other sidewall that has the raised white letters on it. The side you chose to face the world is up to you.

Seems like they are a good buy. I got mine just a few weeks back and they were $114/tire. MrBoyle is correct about them having a set price, I have checked everywhere and found the price to be almost the same everywhere, (and I checked EVERYWHERE).


Be carefull with SEARS prices. I got some Michelins for my wife's car for a good price at SEARS, but they charged me for EVERYTHING that comes included in other places. Mounting, ecilibrating, tire insurence!! (mandatory), disposal of the old tire, etc. I ended up paying for one tire that was priced at about $ 60.00 more that 90 bucks, and that's not fair.

Just my two cents.

Donkey Boy,
Whether you think so or not, you are still paying all those "extra costs" at any other tire store. Sears just breaks everything down instead of a package price like some other stores do. And by the way, road hazard coverage is not mandatory, it is optional.

The best deal on mounting etc is the warehouse clubs. Sam's charges $5 for mounting, road hazard, lifetime balance. Costco is $7. Some places around here charge $10 a tire for road hazard. They also have good prices on BFG but they have limited models. P235/75 15 is $72 for Long Trail TA

I do not mean to pimp the place where I work, but Sam's prices are right at $100 for the 31x10.50 BFG KO's. The price for the mounting, lifetime balance and rotation, road hazzard, and new valve stems is $ 7.50. There is also a 50 cent disposal charge per tire that is out of our hands. We do not charge for "ecilibrating". If the tires you want are not in the store, they can be special ordered in most cases.

I paid $99 per tire and was told that it was the set price. I had them mounted and balanced at discount tire, they wanted to charge me 500 but they were willing to match the lowest price I could find and had them done for 450.

tire trade in's

got a question guy's: I bought the BFG T/A ko's in the stock size of 255/70/16,(before I did the 2" ome spring lift
and upgraded (b-code) torsion bar twist),and the question is with only 4000 miles on them,what kind of hit would I take if I tried to trade them in where I bought them for 265/75/16's,0r just the largest that would now fit.

William, I'm not sure how the tire dealer would react to used tires; I know that NTB (which is owned by Sears) wouldn't take my 'Stones in trade. However, you may want to call around to other dealers.

Also, you may want to sell them here in the "For Sale, Trade, or Wanted" section. Those are 30" tires and they are not Stones. Someone who has 16" wheels and wants to stay stock may want to upgrade to a real AT type tire. One big thing about selling them over the net is that shipping on the tires can be expensive given their awkward size/shape.
