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Black lug nuts and center caps


May 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Houston, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT
DO they make black lugs and center caps for rockcrawlers, or do i have to use the chrome ones... is there anything i can do, bedliner?

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I think J C Whitney has gunmetal lugs.

spray paint!!!!!! or if your uncle owns a paint shop he can paint them.....

Naw, That will chip to easy.

Can't say that I have ever seen them. I took my center caps out a long time ago. I still have the chrome lug nuts on mine. You are right though you can't paint them. You could always get some stock goldish looking ones and just use those.

McGard has what they call "black chrome" lug nuts. Look good, but more expensive than standard chrome nuts.
