Brandons 94 XLT From Ontario Canada | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Brandons 94 XLT From Ontario Canada

Well... my parents for a wee while :p

Ive been on the forum for around 2 years now, and decided to enter something in the regestry.

So here it is, 1994 Ford Explorer 4dr 4x4



Under the hood/truck
-4.0L v6
-A4LD (4spd od)
-Tranny cooler
-Electric shift transfer case (borg warner)
-Towing kit

-Remote locks/start
-Power windows
-Power mirrors
-Power locks
-10 Disk Changer (installed at dealership when we bought the truck)
-Leather steering wheel :p
-Cruise control
-Two tone paint coat
-Tupperware running boards :p

Modifications/ custom things
-Cherry bomb turbo muffler (note "Muffler")
-Boom tube exhaust tip straight out back (name sounds ricy eh?)
-Cone Filter with 75mm MAS
-abs piping from cone filter to TB (3" ID)
-Ractive High performance cone filter
-Custom undercoating (by me:D)
-Mesh grill thing with new method to open the hood
-Gas pedal slack tightened (the tie clip thing)
-Platinum 4+ plugs
-Plug wires
-Relocated battery (still in progress)

Future Modifications/ custom things
-Adding another stock amp
-True Dual flowmaster exhaust
-More lights
Might do.. or at least dream
-Two more speakers for rear doors
-Two speakers in the back hatch

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Transmission is needing a rebuild... go figure :rollseyes:

Ok ABS Intake Time!

Here is a list of the parts i used
all abs was 3" inner diameter
Elbow that is normal abs pipe size on one end, smaller elbow.
About 3-4 feet of piping (better to have more to be able to play around with)
75mm mas really helped (or something like that, mine was 90mm at the one end), but a kkm type adaptor will work too.
Cone type air filter.. if your not workin with an mas that will fit it right you can find adaptors that you can use to rig it.
rubber couplings w/hose clamp things, 2 of them for the straight one

**parts needed may differ depending on your setup**

Heres two pictures, at night, and its not complete.


After seein this, probably dont need any steps to it but either way....
-before starting,.. on 1st gens for sure, dont know bout 2nd gen, remove the hood insulation, it will cause problems closing the hood. Also remove the air box so that there is only that black bottom thats under the whole air box assembly.
1) Relocate the battery to the place were the air box used to be, should just fit, and the cables should just fit too (what luck). I have A/C so i do not know what kind of difference there will be without A/C.
2) on the Throttle body (TB), put some kind of rubber plastic, weather it be tape, or a rubber sleeve, as long as you can fit a rubber coupling on it.
3) use the rubber coupling on the rubber sleeve on the TB and connect the normal pipe size end of the elbow to it.
-Note: The elbow will cause clearance issues with the hood, simply grind the coupling part that hits it down a bit and it should work, both the top were the hood closes on it, and the bottom that rests on the fan shroud.-
4) cut out the appropriate length of piping to get a bit more then half way by the upper radiator hose.
5) use another rubber coupling and attach the mas to that, you may have to position it so the electrical connection faces down (This may look a bit better too in the engine compartment)
6) then attach the air filter with its rubber coupling thing... if it does not fit, cut more of the abs piping, but so long as the hood will still close.
7) once it all fits right, you may want to ABS glue the abs pipe in the elbow.

Hopefully that helps,.. i may edit it and get progress pics, since i will be re-doin it when i get my tranny back in (gone to the shop today, maybe be back wednesday).

your like me brandons, i have been on this site a little while and just a few days ago i figured it time to register my X. Ended up meeting more albertains and canadians in the process. Nice X by the way!!!:)\

Edit- Maybe i should say im like you ;)

lol thanks. whats the link to your registry:D?

Yes, finnaly its runnin!!, last night i got it all hooked up and everything, just to find it wouldnt run right... well today i checked and there was a problem which i will really not say here :D. Lets just say its running :).

Just to update this.. Almost a year later, tranny is gone again, currently finding out on a 91 EB for parts (it has a rebuilt tranny in it) which the engine is toast in (timing chain skipped a tooth).

Looking forward to it, hopefully get a wicked deal.

$350 canadian on the EB, transmission is good from what ive seen, fluid was almost like new even after sitting for 2 years.

Hopefully have the transmission out tonight.

Transmission is out, started cleaning it up (so its more fun to put in, and i have paint sitting around).

Upsidedown outside, awsome day so im taking advantage of it...

Weird purple torque convertor.. it uses i beleive 9/16 bolts instead of the 1/2" bolts on my other one, and is also bigger.. This one came in the eddie baurs rebuilt A4LD.

I just painted the oil pan with flat black BBQ high temp paint. It was pretty much dry after 10 min.

The pan before i cleaned it all up, no metal shards = good news for me.. (also note this has been sitting for 2 years, as well as it already has 30k km on it since the last rebuild)

The oil pan from the blown A4LD before she blew up, actually 1 week before. Shrapnel was already everywere in it.. (probably should have started worrying then..)

Ill post more pics as progress goes, just because its always fun looking at pictures lol :chug:
