Brush guard vs. safari | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Brush guard vs. safari


March 29, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Minneapolis. MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 XLT
I'm mainly after something to protect me from deer.
At first I just assumed I needed a brush guard, but can they fold back in a crash and do more damage to your own truck?

Which ones are stronger?

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Wanna see my safari bar after I got into an accident with another car?

If you want to hit deer all day, get an ARB safari bar.

ARB 4x4 Accesories

Good Luck
Jonny 5

I would go with a brush guard if I had to choose. It would protect everything in front a little better. I don't think there would be anyway of not getting any damage to your car if you did hit something. I have accidently;) hit my mom car, around 5 mph, not very fast, but I didn't get any damage to anything. I don't know what is the best, but I think some protection is better than none.:roll:

ahhjaws, oh course you didn't dent your explorer, it's because you were only doing 5 mph. Now imagine what would happen if you were going 30-45 mph. You would damage both front fenders, hood, headlights, grill, bumper, everything!!!

I've had one experience in a crash with my safari bar. Car that i hit at about 25-35. Ended up trashing the grill, couple of dents in fender, headlight, bumper, and airdam!

They use basically the same strength brackets and the grill guards tend to be MUCH heavier! That isn't gonna stand up to much.

Now look at the pic of a bull bar or sahara bar from ARB. That thing could take out cows! That's one tough SOB! If I had the money I have one already!



Hope this helps with your decision mccutters.
Also, if anyone has a pic with an ARB bumper one could you please post it, I getting pretty darn interested myself!

I wouldn't trust anything but that ARB bumper/guard. I saw an Explorer with a brushguard at the salvage yard that was victim to a head-on and it did nothing but push the front further into the engine. True, it impacted with another car, but imagine taking out a deer that weighs a few hundred pounds at 45 MPH... I don't think it'd help that much.

Thats why I said that hitting anything would damage everything in the front no matter what you got. I didn't say that my brush guard could stand up hitting anything going faster than 5 mph. I was trying to say that little fender benders would not really do anything to it, but protects the whole front and not just the middle.

I agree that the ARB guard would take out anything;)

I just posted a picture of a tjm on an X. Here it is again.

TJM for explorer

sorry Texplorer, the computer at work is so slow that I didn't see your post. But now that I'm at home, I saw it.

How much did the TJM bumper cost you and do you remember what model number it was?

The bull bar you saw is the T15, the part number is S1521H. You can get it in steel black and polished aluminum. They also have a safari type bar, the T16 part number A1621H, its a little bigger and more beefy than the normal safari bars. It comes up to the hood instead of the top of the bumper. I dont have one on my X, that is a picture of someone on this board. So I cant tell you how much they are, all I can guess is that they are going to be expensive.
