Bug defletor shoult it stay or sholud it go | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bug defletor shoult it stay or sholud it go

Bug deflector:Should it stay or should it go?

  • Leave it on

    Votes: 20 58.8%
  • Give it the old heave hoe

    Votes: 14 41.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Dan Whitaker

One fast putty tat
December 24, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Raytown MO (Kansas City suburb)
Year, Model & Trim Level
No Mounty no more.
What does everyone think. I will make my decision by the votes I get from everone.

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i dont really like them.... but my dads ranger has one and it seems ok.....

Depends if the paint underneath it is messed up, the original owner of my 93 didn't put it on right so the paint under it has worn down to the primer and looks nasty so I leave it on.

Man I can't type for $hit tonight.

keep it if it works

rip it off, they look ugly as sin. all the paint underneath mine rubbed off, there was no rust so the bodywork was easy.

I removed the one that I jad in my never ending quest for better mileage. Plus, I personally think they are butt ugly.

I wish it would fit on mine if you take it off to cover up the big a$$ dent in my hood!:D

Since I removed mine, I have noticed no more bugs on the windshield than when it was on.

In all 77,600 miles my Explorer has never had one and well sometimes I wish it had. The front of the hood (the part tht is close to vertical) and then the first couple inches of horizontal area has rock chips galore in it. Several to bare metal.

i like the way it looks

leave it on

I love mine:D

I got a slim one from lund - avenger. it protects the hood just enough and is tiny. it was only 30

I think you should keep it. I like the way they look and think they are functional. Mine never rubbed the paint underneath it. It has a lot of scratches so it has to do something to protect the hood. I don't know how much it affects the mileage. I didn't notice a difference after I got mine but most of my driving is at slow speeds so I don't think it could have changed much.

Carl :usa:

I would leave it, I have one on mine, and I think it looks good, and judging from all the scratches in it, id say it does work. Mine doesnt rub at all.

They must work better on the first generation X's. I have had mine on for almost a year now. I think the problem is that it is too thin. I can see it bowing in the middle at hwy speed which just lets the bugs on by. I went on a 90 mile trip through rual areas on Sunday and I had more bugs on the winshield than the bug defletor. I had an 85 Bronco II with one and it worked great.

Having had a 92 and now a 98 they do work better on the older X's. I think the biggest reason is the hood slopes more on the new ones so the bug deflector doesn't puch the air up high enough. I know I hardly ever got a bug on my winshield of my 92 and i get bugs galore on my 98 regardless of whether or not it is on. So on my 98 I took it off and I like how it looks better to boot and i think it may of bumped up my highway mileage a hair (ok, i'm probably imagining this).

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Originally posted by CougarX
it may of bumped up my highway mileage a hair (ok, i'm probably imagining this).

It did also on my 99.
