bumper/winch mounts | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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bumper/winch mounts


Well-Known Member
March 20, 2005
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City, State
Lake Stevens, Washington
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 YJ
ok, im thinkin of drawing up some ideas for my own bumper. However, im not exactly sure what the strongest way to mount the bumper would be(havent even really looked at the stock bumper), and same goes for a winch. basicly plan on making a bumper w/ winch mount. not sure if im going tube or rectangular bar yet. pictures would be nice to ;).

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Heres photos of mine, it has space for a winch but not fitted, soon to be modded to include a sump guard, it was made locally down here out of 1/4" & 1/8" plate.

Its bolted on to the original bumper mounts

That is almost EXACTLY what I want out of a bumper!! Who made it and how much did it cost? Would they be willing to make another one? That trip looked like a blast, too! You in to adventure racing?

I don't know what your stock mounts are like(I have no explorer just joined to look at fab pics and stuff) but my s-10 blazers were week. I cut them off and used 3/16 inch angle iron bolted to the inside of each frame rail to attach mine with grade 8 bolts. I don't think I'd wanna be anywhere near the vehicle if using stock mounts and your winch rips the mount right off.

Castees said:
That is almost EXACTLY what I want out of a bumper!! Who made it and how much did it cost? Would they be willing to make another one? That trip looked like a blast, too! You in to adventure racing?

Looks like a Fabtech prerunner bar. What did you use the paint the wheels?
