Can 2011-15 roof rails be put on 2016+ ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Can 2011-15 roof rails be put on 2016+ ?


Well-Known Member
December 16, 2018
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Year, Model & Trim Level
17 Explorer Base
Has anyone attempted to swap the flush roof rails for ones that have an air gap (to be able to tie things down) a la 11-15MYs?

I know it seems niche, but mine are separating and I'd rather replace them sooner than have them fly off later.

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Your post just reminded me of something. The 2016+ rails have hardware supplied to enable tie downs but I don't recall ever seeing the items in my vehicle. I'll have to check and see if the package is in with the spare tire.
As for your question, I don't think anyone has posted about swapping them.


Your post just reminded me of something. The 2016+ rails have hardware supplied to enable tie downs but I don't recall ever seeing the items in my vehicle. I'll have to check and see if the package is in with the spare tire.
As for your question, I don't think anyone has posted about swapping them.


Interesting, I'll have to re read the owners manual to see if it's in there. Do let us know if you manage to find a tie down kit.
