CAN I GET DUALS? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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July 10, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Garner, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Explorer XLT 5.0L
Hello, I have a 1996 Explorer 5.0L V8 2WD and I want to get dual flowmaster cat back exhausts. I currently have a single flowmaster cat-back 3'' exit but I really want duals. Are they worth it and would they be much louder? Also, ive got a fairly big trailer hitch which was used for a boat we no longer have, and my mom has an Explorer with a trailer hitch and my dad now has a Jeep Wrangler with one, and I will never need one. If I remove it, will I be able to have duals? The gas tank looks like its taking up alot of room as well as the spare tire but it seems like it should fit without a trailer hitch. Anyhow, I also would be interested in headers specifically the Ford Racing Headers... will they add much more performance and horsepower, and if I cant get duals could i still put headers on? I have two pipes going into the flowmaster muffler and one coming out. The last thing I had was that I run 93 octane and have been so for the last 2 months or so, and I read somewhere that running it on a stock motor is bad in my case, is this true? I guess it wont matter for long because i have the MAC Cold Air shipping to me currently and will order the Diablochip within the next 2 weeks.

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yes you can run duals... enough said... As fer the 93 octane... ya dont need it now, but once ya get the chip, ya need it... it wont do any harm to a stock engine

Duals are very possible. You can get two separate systems bent in there but I would recommend getting an x or h pipe installed too. As for the headers, you shouldnt have a problem. this is how my tips exit. the one on the passengers side is in the same location as the stock pipe so I dont see why you cant do it with the hitch in there. In fact, i think lowdpypes has duals with a hitch. His truck is amazing. You might want to talk to him. I dont know if he has headers but I would imagine he does since hes got a supercharger and nitrous. Good luck!

It seems like I have seen explorers with duals but I think they were 4x4 tho, I dont know if there is much of an underside differance because mine is 2wd. If I got dual flowmasters and then put the Ford Racing headers on it, how much louder would it be? It is already pretty loud with the single 3'' flowmaster and Ive heard that adding duals and headers would make it really really loud? Also, the MAC Cold Air kit Im getting claims 14.2 rear wheel horsepower gain and the Diablo Chip is supposed to add like 22 rear wheel horsepower and 35lbs of torque. Those numbers are according to! Anyways thanks alot for your help guys!

Save the money you will spend on the 93 gas for other toys....

Good luck.....
