Cant steer in 4wd! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cant steer in 4wd!


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Glassboro, southern jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Limited 5.0
Well i locked the front axle when i put the gears in, tested it and it worked so i left it at that. Then around my campground figured id throw it in 4lo so i didnt get hollered at about speeding and i could get about a quarter turn both left and right! This is no good for me. Would the cv's have to lock in with the actuator when the bearings line up? I can say i expected it to be tough but no steering is pretty extreme

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Doesnt get much simpler than that! I love it!

locked on both ends, hmm, with the brown wire mod, both lockers, and this you could have 2 low, 3 low, and 4 low,, all at the flick of some switches,,

Sounds like i need to get to it!

Jeez... I need to pick up a 95-96 front diff to go with that F150 transfer case...

Ive got 2 extras but by the time theyd get to you youd be better off pulling your own. (shipping)
