Changing Rear Sway Bar | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Changing Rear Sway Bar


Active Member
March 8, 2000
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City, State
Waukesha, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Eddie Bauer, '98 XLT
I was thinking about swapping out my stock 93 rear sway bar for one out of a 98. I'm hoping to eliminate some of the body roll in my truck. I have a source for the 98 bar but I was wondering if anyone could confirm that all of the mounting points are the same. They look to be the same, the only differance that I can see is that the 98 bar is almost twice the diameter of the 93.

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I don't know if it would make a great improvement to swap out just the rear sway bar. If you have a stiff rearend and a loose front end you could run into some big handling problems, like huge oversteer (maybe understeer?). If I was going to mess with the swaybars I would go buy a set of front and rear bars from carparts or ExplorerExpress.

Jim Ferrarini
96 Sport 5-speed
JBA headers
Borla cat-back exhaust
modified airbox
K&N filter
+4 plugs
8.5mm wires
other small mods.
Coming soon:
K&N filter kit

At the very least, upgrade your sway bar bushings to urethane. The rubber start life fairly soft, and get much softer as they age. With a '93, your bushings are 7 years old - in other words, they really aren't doing anything to help your handling.

I put in urethane bushings up front and removed my rear sway bar - the truck handles fine.

1993 Ranger, Modified

Your truck will handle fine as long as you take the corners at a normal speed. I bet that if you try to take a turn fast your not going to like how it handles. I'm not trying to sound like an ass but I have some experiance with this, try finishing an SCCA race with broken sway-bar links. It's not fun.

Jim Ferrarini
96 Sport 5-speed
JBA headers
Borla cat-back exhaust
modified airbox
K&N filter
+4 plugs
8.5mm wires
other small mods.
Coming soon:
K&N filter kit

Hey; I was able to install a front (thicker) sway-bar at the rear of my 93. The bar is stiffer and allows more traval than the puny rear bar. I used the Super Lift drop brackets from the front (you could make your own) to clear the differential. You can find a used bar in the salvage yard--cheap!
