check out my tire setup concept | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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check out my tire setup concept

basically, the rubbing with wider/bigger tires is in the front, correct? i've read that it rubs either on the front sway bar, or the a-arm in the front.

So -- for my 18x9, would this be feasible:

255/55/18 (29.0" diameter) tires in front (no rub at all in front)

285/50/18 (29.2" diameter) tires in the rear

the rear will be fine - no rub. all i need to do is tie the brake line, is this correct?

i figure the diameter sizes are very small, so they can be negligible...

will this setup work? has anyone tried it?

any comments, thoughts, suggestions VERY welcome ..


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With AWD I think all your tires need to be the same diameter. Don't they?

the .2" would not be enough difference to hurt anything. i say go for it. (as far as i know, im the only one on this board with little/big tire combo, but i am 2wd.)

i considered this, but why not just get 275s like me and do a tiny bit of trimming of the wheel well plastic and have not rubbing even with my drop?

I'd get all the same size.
