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Clunking when slowing down to stop.


Active Member
July 22, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
NW Washington
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Eddie Bauer
I just bought a '96 Explorer XLT, and I've noticed an occasional tranny clunk. It occurs when slowing down to a stop; I get a clunk going from 3-2, and another when going from 2-1. This only happens in about 1 in every 5 or 6 stops, but when it does, I always get them in both gears.

I've also noticed a loud metallic clunk when shifting from park to reverse. I don't know if that's related or not...

A followup question: the Explorer has 97k miles on it. I'm assuming it's hardly been taken off-road--it's in super shape. What's the average life span of a mostly road-driven Explorer transmission? 100k? 200k? more?

Thanks everyone!

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Not exactly sure what the clunking is but maybe try greasing the slip yoke first as a quick cheap fix.

The average trans life probably hovers around 100k miles -- there are those that fail at 70k and other that fail maybe around 150k. So 100-ish probably is a good median. Mine failed at 120k.

Thanks, IZwack.

As a follow-up question, what's the quickest way to tell what tranny is in my truck? I've got the 4.0L. Did they all have the 4R55E? What about the 4R70W?

The average trans life probably hovers around 100k miles

Yikes! Looks like I might have made a dumb purchase. I thought I did my research well before I bought. I hadn't found this website yet, but I was reading that people's trannys seemed to be going out at around 200k+

A 96 4.0L will have the 4R55E i believe.

well my 97 (with the 4.o 0hv) trans is starting er uh getting ready to go and i have 205k on it.... and i have a buddy with a 94? (1st gen with the 4.0 ohv) whose trans is still good and hes got over 300k on it (original trans).. so it really depend on how its been treated in that past.. im not sure about the hard shifting other than maybe torque conver issues.... but the loud metallic clunk is prolly from the park/neutral switcch... this is what holds the trans in park.. if u dont use your parking brake do you notice a roll somtimes after parking and lettng off the brake.. thats cuz its slipping into place... its kinda normal.. neither good nor bad.. (the noise) but the rolling is no good.. its normal but you really should use the p brake ecause if the p/n switch brakes your truck will act like its in neutral and just roll and this could cause all kinds of damadge depending on what it hits when it lets loose.. so start using ur p brake.. if it still rolls with the brake on u need to adjust the p brake... when u hear that noise thats because its slipped into position hard so its hard to pull back out.. think of it like gears in a clock.. u know how the pegs are flat.. well these are not these are flat on one side and rounded on the other so it slides into place but to back it out is moving against the flow (prolly just confused you, nut i tried)

Great info aleej, thanks!

The truck does slide a bit after putting it in park...but no more than any other vehicle I've ever driven.

It looks to me like the Explorer had an easy life before I got it. I don't think anything was ever towed with it (plastic plug still in light hookup), no hitch, and no ball on the bumper; and it doesn't look like it's been off-road (no scrapes, dings in metal underneath). So I'm not too worried any more.


Thanks, IZwack.

As a follow-up question, what's the quickest way to tell what tranny is in my truck? I've got the 4.0L. Did they all have the 4R55E? What about the 4R70W?

Yikes! Looks like I might have made a dumb purchase. I thought I did my research well before I bought. I hadn't found this website yet, but I was reading that people's trannys seemed to be going out at around 200k+

95 and 96 + V6 is a 4R55E.

4R70W is unfortunately only on V8s. It should have gone in the V6 ex, they put it in v6 tbirds and mustangs and its a shame because exs are used for towing. We are stuck with the 4 or 5R55E(after 97), which is an over glorified C3, designed for the Pinto.

I've seen the 95 and 96 trans last very long, I know 4 in real life pass 200K, and I read about many on messageboards that lasted that long. There was a guy on the ranger board saying he had close to 300K on his original 95 ex trans. I guess it depends which day of the week it was made.

There are some documented inherent 'issues' with these transmissions that affect the longevity of some units. One is an issue with the valve body gasket, another I believe is weak bands that break and don't allow shifting into second.

I was told(take it at face value) by a used car salesman and mechanic that the 97+ 5R55E have somewhat shorter lifespans because the overdrive band is applied twice as much to get the 5 gears. They also tend to have more separator plate issues, and the 5 gears bring out any tolerance issues with bands, pressure etc.

I was also told that the best thing you can do to prolong its life is install a large cooler and do 25K fluid changes.

Great info aleej, thanks!

The truck does slide a bit after putting it in park...but no more than any other vehicle I've ever driven.

well all that info i gave you applies to every vehicle with an automatic trans out there.. but not many ppl know it or believe it.. but ive seen the p/n go ...
so just becuz it rolls no more still doesnt mean its good.. u should def use ur p brake ALL THE TIME especially on hills

300K miles on an A4LD is very rare. Was he the original owner?

yes he was and he grannys the hell out of her while he drives her

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