clutch | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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August 15, 2009
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third boxcar, midnight train
Year, Model & Trim Level
86 BII
I promise i searched thoroughly before posting this question. so I'm gathering pieces to swap the m5od into my 86 BII which i believe has the fm146, my question is on the clutch, I'm going with the ex flywheel and clutch set, but what slave and master should i use? I'm hoping i can use the BII setup bk it is already in the vehicle. Will a BII slave and master run the m5od clutch set? btw i accidentally ruined the ex line between master and slave getting it out, nicked it with the sawzall getting the driver side exhaust out. it was dang rusty and i didnt want to fight it. any info would be awesome bk im on a limited time frame once i start the swap, i gotta dd this hotrod, thanks guys

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Wish I knew the answere. But when you say Ex. flywheel does that mean it has the same number of teeth so the starter will work?

no it has to use the exploder starter, but that's cool bk i have the whole explorer there to rob parts lmao. i found out on that the slave should be the same so i can use the bII slave and master and the explorer clutch. I'm stoked for that bk like i said i accidentally sawzalled the explorer line lmao. gd i love sawzalls

i think based on that info which doesn't say anything about having to change the slave the fm145 slave will work on the ex clutch. nice
