cold air for 4.6 V8? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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cold air for 4.6 V8?

Fat Boy

Well-Known Member
October 31, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Orange, CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Mercury Mountaineer
beside the KKM air induction kit, which is a great kit, are there any cold air kits for a 4.6 Mountaineer V8?

also, what are some of the advantages to a cold air intake instead of a KKM?

also, does anyonek now of a performance chip for the same motor? ive looked around and i cant seem to find any, maybe there are some other sites that are specifically for performance chips. :confused:


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i hate to tell you, but there are no cold air intake kits for any year explorer.

oh balls.

thanks for the help.

not comercially availabe.... but i bet somebody could make a custom one.....

i thought so too. but it must be hard since nobody has a true CAI. maybe there isnt enough room to get a pipe and filter down under the bumper.

it is possible, just nobody has the time, expertise, or is too lazy to do it..... ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!
